I want to study physical therapy and chiropractice...?

This is the excellent tip Scott!
Here are couple of ideas in which I am interested:
---- physiology
Central Governor model - prof. Tim Noakes - South Africa
RSA research - prof. David Bishop - Australia
Fatigue - prof. Gandevia, prof. Brooks, … - ???

---- training theory
Periodization - prof. Mike Stone, prof. Vladimir Zatsiorsky, prof. Plisk, prof. William Kraemer, prof. Tudor Bompa…

— biomehanics and motor control
Biomechanics - prof. Vladimir Zatsiorsky, prof. Roger Enoka…
Motor Control - prof. Latash, prof. Richard Schmidt

I am little confused here… do you have to start studiing coaching sciences to start working as a assistance SC coach or not? Basically, I would love to be a SC coach, work as assistante SC coach and gain great experience, and also engage into grad program in (one of) biomechanics, motor control, physiology… But being a SC coach is my priority! Thus, you are suggesting Scott, that I search a university with a good SC coach, ask him for assistanceship and see what that faculty have of graduate programs from mentioned areas (motor control, phisiology, PT, biomechanics, training theory)???
Contacting Joe Kenn or Ueyam is a fine idea… Thanks for your help Scott, and thanks others!!!
If you have some other tip, please let me know :slight_smile: