I need some help


I suppose, it’s ok to start doing this kind of training provided you keep the speed sessions at your current best times…

With tempo in between, yes.

You should split your meals into 5-6 tiny meals. Each consist of either Protein + Carb OR Protein + Fat. Never let Carb + Fat be together in the same meal. Carb should also be consume sparingly, mostly during the morning or post-workout to prevent them from becoming stored fats. When i said fats, i meant fats from fish oils and such. Protein should be consume during each meals. Drink cold water, 1 cup of cold water takes about 8 calories to burn. As for the grapefruit, i’ve heard a lot about it but i never really tried it, because of its taste, but its worth a shot. Consume little to none processed food and eat more veges. You can eat veges, like brocolli and cabbage etc. during meals with protein + fat because they contain little carb so it doesnt really matter. (less than 3g i think) Anyways thats all i can think of right now.

This is complete rubbish, and voodoo science nonsense.

As long as you have balanced meals of protein, carbs, and fats, you are fine. It might not be optimal to JUST ingets carbs and fats in a meal, but mixing all three is FINE.


I find people really over-estimate their caloric intake…especially females. For some reason, they have this idea, in the back of their mind, that cutting calories to below the level necessary to maintain the bodies cellular repair proccess can co-exist with a training regime. Impossible. Nope. No way.

Keep this in mind: Your body has several billion cells - muscle, blood, bone, brain & CNS, internal organs, yadayada. Every 6 months every one of those cells gets rebuilt whether you like it or not, and every one of those cells is composed of water, protein, fat, and minerals. If you do not get an adequate supply of those materials,you cannot rebuild your existing cells. So why the hell would the body want to build new stuff if you are not supplying the old stuff. Why would the body lay down new bone material if there isn’t enough to fix the old. And increasing the demand (by training hard) only serves to make the situation worse than if you were a couch potato (don’t do that either).

John Berardi, worked with an elite female athlete that was about 22% BF and consuming about 2200 cal./ day. He INCREASED her calories to something like 4500 cal/day and surprise…her BF dropped to 15%. End the famine, so your body has the necessary elements to build LBM. (Hope I got those # right).

If you want it really simple. Just make sure you get at least 150 gr. of protein/day (I’m guessing at your LBM of 110-120 lb). Don’t worry about carbs and fat. Don’t go looking for them…they will find you. You can’t avoid them in North American society. The protein you have to look for. If you don’t have adequate protein, the other stuff doesn’t matter. Your body will not build new and it will store fat and not release it. Been that way for 5 million years and you ain’t going to change it in your short sprinting career. You actually have to hunt for it, like our ancestors.

Now, for training advice, I will humbly turn the floor over to my esteemed colleagues. And there are many on this forum. Good luck.


John Berardi, worked with an elite female athlete that was about 22% BF and consuming about 2200 cal./ day. He INCREASED her calories to something like 4500 cal/day and surprise…her BF dropped to 15%. End the famine, so your body has the necessary elements to build LBM. (Hope I got those # right).

this is so not possible. perhaps if she was the “one in a billion” person, and even then i find it dificult Do you have any clues to back it up?

I wrote that from memory. Like I said," I hope I got the numbers right." And I think it took about 10-12 weeks. Memory is weak at my age.

Do a rough guestimate of Jumper Girl’s sample day. See what numbers you come up with. What do you think is happening inside her body given the number of calories she is consuming?


Do a rough guestimate of Jumper Girl’s sample day. See what numbers you come up with. What do you think is happening inside her body given the number of calories she is consuming?

oh no, im all with you that she need alot more cals than 2200 and 4000 is a prety good number, i just find hard to believe that at 4500kcal she lost 7-8% bf.

i was not offencive, im just interested if there is something detailing what you said a bit more

From what I understand, Berardi insists in at least 6 “feedings” per day. Every 2-3 hours. Lean protein at all feedings. Most of the carbs come from vegetables, fruits are second choice. Grains,pasta,etc. is saved for about 2 hrs. post workout. 25-35% of the calories come from fat, evenly split between the 3 types. Pretty simple basic guidelines to follow.

Let’s face it, at the elite level (she was a national team memeber) they probably have 6-10 training sessions a week. 2000 calories for that caliber of athlete is the starvation mode.
The body thinks survival, not improvment in performance.

He’s a reputatble researcher. I believe him. From observing the teens that I work with, i can see it every day. Some of them are overfed and under nourished. Others are just plain underfed AND under nourished. Females are the worst.


yeah i know berardi and i am familiar with his guidlines.

and indeed 2000kcal for an elite IS starvation. Hell 2000 for a non elite athlete with 6-7 training sessions/weeks is starvation.

what i found interesting is the notion that with a 4000+kcal diet she actually lost fat…

anyway, if you say so ill believe you i was merely interested on specifics

Check latest article at www.t-mag.com.
“Protein Discussions” …with the man. He explains it.
Sorry, don’t know how to link yet.


As Ben told me, “Just dont eat the fat, man!”.


This is a good thread.
Females athletes really have eating issues, I experience it on my my own, and I see it around me all the time. I think there should be nutrition seminars for athletes, especially in universities, since all this is caused mostly by ingnorance. I learn a lot from these discussions, keep the information coming :slight_smile:

PM your email, if you want, to send you a doc with some nutritional info; not specifically for females, but with some good general info in there (i.e., mainly for vitamins, iron, etc).

I run into this all the time with wrestlers. I even fell into this trap in high school (and the first part of college until I learned better). I would go up to 7 days without food or water, go through 2-3 hour hellish wrestling practices every day, and would drop about 15 pounds of waterweight for the next week’s tournament. Now, this is an extreme case, but my point is this; when the body is deprived of energy sources it goes into survival mode as TNT said. Any food source that it gets, it will store as much as it can, because it doesn’t know when the next meal is coming and how much work it must do before the next meal. I have found that once the body adapts to receiving adequate nutrition, after starvation, with the same work levels, BF will actually drop.