Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy


I was shocked to see how many athletes die from this condition each year.

In my City, it is required to have an EKG with each Sports physical for High School aged athletes. The physical is good for 2 years.

Last year, when my daughter had her physical for 7th grade track, I asked for the EKG because my daughter was also on a private track club that had more rigorous workouts…and for peace of mind.
The doctor was surprised to find a parent informed enough to know about these problems.

I know the condition was quite widespread in professional road cycling, especially during the peak EPO years. Riders dropping dead, heart attacks, not waking up the next day etc.

Cases have dropped significantly since a test became available in 2000 to detect the drug.

Riders failed to realise it turned there blood to glue.

Juice has to be questioned in many related deaths.