med ball acc 1 10reps total
med ball acc 2 10 reps total
session 2:
over back 10reps
squat throw 10reps
1 hop 10reps
2 hop 10reps
3 hop 10reps
well in gpp u wont be able to run with much speed anyways, so if i was feeling flat it wouldnt be a big deal, overall my hill workouts has been pretty good. do you think my weights are too extreme? do u think i could contiune to push the weight during spp?
ahhh, when you said medball- 10 reps, i figured thats all you were doing…10 good reps.
I’ve never done a GPP so I don’t know if the weights are extreme.
It just seems though that, if you are doing everything as laid out, and THEN more CNS-intensive heavy weights, that CNS-wise it might be much? If I remember correctly, one of the reasons Charlie says that HI stuff can be done every day is due to the fact that the weights are generally LI in the GPP.
i wish i had omega wave and i would know for sure if i am doing too much. i just dont get much from high reps. and dont want to lose my strength i worked soo hard for. r u gonna do cf gpp stuff?
That’s what I’m saying I know I will get weaker using such light weights for 2 months. And I don’t see the point if somatype is in place. I think maintenance weights (high intensity, extremely low volume) might work for me too. This way, I can put maybe as much CNS reserves into my hills/medball AND muscle fatigue will be less, all the while retaining strength. So, it’s better for strength than the light weights, and better for muscular freshness/DOMS. live and learn though…
ok fellas i am starting week 5 of gpp program, body feel pretty good besides the right shin which may be from the nike free i wore the first 2-3 weeks.
ems recovery tonite. major pump in calfs and hammy today. forgot to mention yesterday that i had a hard time controlling my new speed, also it took me for to decelerate.