How much money do Track and Field Athletes make? (article)

I haven’t posted in a while. Hello Everyone! Anyhow, I’m not sure if this is a re post but I found this article online and by far it’s the best info I have seen in regards to how much money track and field athletes can make.

Also, I want to put it out there for younger athletes a little secret that I have discovered. Consider training in a cheap country such as Thailand. I went to Thailand over the X-mas holiday and without a doubt you will have everything you need! Training facilities, cheap massage (10usd for an hour), cheap accommodations (i.e., 300usd per month rent), old 1990’s style hardcore gyms, healthy cheap food, easy access to doctors, ect, ect. Found out many bodybuilders vacation or live in Thailand because it’s easier to pursue their careers because it’s more cost effective then training in the West. Dennis James is one BB that I know of who use to live in Thailand.

If I could do it all over again, and I knew what I know now, I would have saved up some cash and trained full time in Thailand for a few years. The only thing downside is getting a visa to be able to stay in another country for so long.


There is this article:

Plus all the fine Thai chicks!


Thai women are not just super fine but they’re very sweet and feminine unlike Western women. Men are respected regardless of income so in Thailand you WILL have a full social/sex life unlike here in America where you’re pretty much nothing unless you prove to other money worshiping Americans that you’re “successful”.

Watch out for the ladyboys though! They say if a woman looks too good, it’s probably a man.

Lol yea I know the boy girls are all over. I’d have to see them butt ass in light first. Lol
I agree about American women. Too much damn reality tv