I must say WOW! to all of you: pakewi, lorien and james! Your posts really got me thinked, especially lorien’s!
your’s “Who is first:chicken or the egg” approach really got me thinked… But the question is what is the teleology (purpose) of human body? I think we should “answer” this question before answering chicken and egg problem!
On my personal point of view (based on Descarets dualism) the mind/body should provide:
- A material frame for the Owner (spirit, soul). For this to happen, the body must be in life and to be healthy, and for this to happen, its physiological state should be kept in narrow ranges of state-space (exibit equilibrium - homoeostasis). Thus it must maintains it’s physiological variables within life-range
- A transducer/convertor for Material world feedback (perception: vision, smell, hearing, touch etc) and as such it doesnt represent perfect convertor
- Provide an frame for Material actions (movement etc) of the Owner
Oooops, here we go again into the phylosophy of life
Contrary to you, I would say that the body’s need for homoeostasis (to maintain life within narrow ranges of physiological variables) defines the logic of the system, but this is only one part of the equation, because system logic also defines the ability to produce actions of the Owner. This two may be in CONFLICT, but I think the body will always try to keep the homosostasis while refuting to provide the action (which can deteoriate the homoeostasis and thus provide a treat to life, health etc). This happens most of the time…
Take for an example the performance at altitude. If there is lack of oxygen in air and thus less saturation of blood, we can say that we expect greater ammount of bLA during VO2max test because the body will use more oxygen independents sources of energy. But contrary to this, bLA will be less and also the performance level even if you push it maximally, because the body will stop the muscle activation to maintain homoeostasis (whatever that would be, because great amount of variables). In this way, the body listened to the need of homoeostasis maintenance (internal variables) rather than letting you “push to the max”.
yes, the performance “tend” to alter the homoeostasis but it doesn’t succeed in that. The body ADAPTS by increasing its ability to maintain homoeostasis, and next time you perform you can increase the load without altering homoeostasis. This is the example of improving HMP (homoeostasis maintenance process).
The example is starting lifting weights. First time the athlete do squats, the body will not allow great motor unit recruitment because the body is not sure what is safe for it. Next time it will ALLOW greater recruitment.
When I was started lifting I always thinked that I didnt improved at all, only that I reached the norm of my body. But this was in the beggining… later the body tryes to adapt by increasing GAIN (muscle mass, functioning of various organs) and CONTROL (intra/inter coordination, control of heart etc) of the system. The activity (but not “external” activity per se, rather activity of the body - HBP homoeostasis break down process) tend to perturn the homoeostasis, and the body adapts to improve its mainetnance next time you perform. So body improves both perturbation of homoeostasis and its maintenance in the same time. The body produce perturbation of the homoeostasis not some “external” action - he body produce actions!!! Note that we are talking about performance, sometime some extarnal factor may try to perturb homoeostasis.
The body will allow and improve its actions but within its ability to maintain its homoeostasis!!! You must improve both to improve! The HBP and HMP are a “artifical” processes I “invented” to help me clarify some things.
Ok, to summ up on the example of starting lifting weights.
Phase1. The ahlete do squats for the first time with minimal load (but try to see how much he can lift). the body will not ALLOW greater MU recruitment because it is not sure about safety of this. This action will also try to perturb homoeostasis (split your joints in part etc). Your body will react by increasing the HMP (impring joint structure, bone density etc).
Phase 2. the body “sees” that you have great amount of HMP reserve so its allows greater MU recruitment. In the same time you are increaing your HMP reserve while increasing HBP. Each of this processes facilitates each other
Phase 3. You reached the maximum in HBP while you still have reserve in HMP. To improve, your body improves HBP by increasing mmass, coordination of those muscles etc. In the same time you HMP improves (joints structure, ligaments, stabilizers both active/passive etc.)
Phase 4. Your body reached great amount of HBP and decreased HMP reserve. You start to stagnate. You should increase the HMP by using various exercises that improves joint stabilization, mobility etc.
Phase 5. Jump to phase 2. Round and round here we go!
Hope this have a sense! But please note that during performance homoeostasis is never lost (unless injury happens), and that body adapt by improving its ability to maintain it next time you performa…
Maybe this model seems to complex for now but it is not… I will summ up all that is have written into new text in due course to be readable.
Thanks for your contribution guys! Please if you have some more ideas, critiques PLEASE post, because this is the only way for this model to improve…