Training Status at the beginning (11/18/10)
It’s 4 days after football season and my body is banged the hell up. I’m still recovering from a pulled hamstring and some low back (glute attachment to pelvis) issues. I’m quite out of it training wise and am planning on easily transitioning into GPP and beginning acceleration work in about 2 weeks to let the body rest.
I’m also in the middle of a short experiment with a modified version of the Warrior diet, so if you guys have any questions about my experience on that let me know.
BW: 194-197 AM
Bench max: nonexistent with shoulder issues; 5x5 with 185 is painful but smooth
Squat: high box squat 405x3 w/ ease and pretty good speed; narrow stance free squats: hit 185x8 for 4 sets very smooth today (taking it slow with injuries); note best low bar free squat ever was 495x1 (May '10)
Clean: haven’t done since preseason, best max ever was 280 (May '10)
Training Status now
Track numbers: no clue
SLJ: will test in the next 2 weeks