11/20 PM Lift
Was in and out quick–started my session in a rush to be able to have time to hunting with my dad. Still had a good day though.
Abbreviated warmup (legs were still sore, loosened up pretty well after warming up)
High bar narrow stance free squats: 205x8,8,8
Went up smooth and easy, a little more painful than I’d like as far as residual soreness from Thursday but felt good
Strict overhead press: 110x3, 125x3, 140x4; one down set of 95x20
I’m using 531 for my overhead press progression. Basically because I enjoy this and it’s a lot easier on my shoulder problems than benching heavy for some reason.
45 Degree back raises: lots between sets and 15 at the end with a bar on my back, squeezed on the top until my posterior chanulus maximus was sufficiently deep fried.
Band pull aparts (mini band): 20 reps between all sets with a big set at the end to make my neck shorter.
Then went out and had quality time with my dad. Was a good day.