Help! Need to find the balance!

Your post is so true especially the part about earning full time pay with less hours of work to log in. As far as why U.S citizens don’t learn self employed skills in the U.S, I have pretty much narrowed it down to two things:

  1. The general public does not demand knowledge of self employed skills out of the university systems because they believe that whatever the university dishes out is best for them and that the university will always work in THERE best interest. lol, that’s why people always “go back to school” when they are financially boxed in instead of immediately taking whatever skills they have to real world and locating a buyer.

  2. It’s not in the Governments/University’s interest to teach the general population self employed skills because then they could not get away with charging premium prices for common knowledge and they could no longer get away with teaching the general population to be subordinate which the the whole undertone of modern education.