This is the final week of thing lifting with maxing out on Monday and Wednesday.
Monday September 25, 2006
Clean 7x1 (sets 4-7= work up to 1 RM)= 196, 207, 219, 230, 235 (fail at 240) should have had, but I don’t have much flexibility to get my elbows all the way through and bit me in the arse at the end.)
Snatch 7x1 (sets 4-7= work up to 1 RM)= 157, 167, 176, 182, 187, 192, (fail at 197)
Reverse hypers 5x6
Wednesday September 27, 2006
Back squat 6x1 (sets 3-6 work up to new 1 RM)= 373, 389, 409, 415 (fail), got back at it and got 425
Bench press 4x1= 270, 285, 294, 305
Wt. split jumps (5 per leg) 4x10
Friday September 29, 2006
Snatch (cluster) 5x1= 167, 172, 176, 172, 167
Clean (cluster) 5x1= 207, 214, 219, 214, 207
Hyperextensions 5x5
Wt. Russian leans 5x6-fail
Cluster sets are to be done fairly consecutively - rest between sets should be the amount of time it takes to change weight and re-set
Final numbers:
Snatch 192
Clean 235
Back squat 425
Bench 305