Hannah Cunliffe makes front page Seattle Times, and video

No that isn’t what I am saying. I was saying it isn’t our place to tell a coach who has obviously steered his product to very high level what to do. Do I agree with the depth jumps? No, especially not in spikes. I guess I am commenting on the fact that evry time this girls name gets mentioned, it begins a cascade of negative posts saying how bad something is training wise or how someone is faster somewhere. I am not qualified to comment on her training because I haven’t witnessed the body of work. We are basically viewing a soundbyte of her training. What is undeniable is that she is far and away the best sprinter in her age group and has been for some time so I suspect her father must be doing something right in her development. She is a kid, lets celebrate the fact that we may be witnessing something special. She seems like a great kid and she looks to have a bright future.