Hamstring strain after multiple rounds

Do you feel the benefits of the overspeed outweigh the injury risks then? If you get injured now, how far into the season do you think that will affect your performance?

I slightly strained my hamstring 30 days ago exactly, and since then I have gone through cycles of resting it, gradually inctrasing the volume of work on it and then a good few days after it feeling fine, gone and trained, and half way through a session it has slightly pulled again. I am slightly worried about how this is going to affect my season. I am also not sure what more I can do to help recover. I have gone through the process of ice, strapping, anti inflammatories, doing warm ups, gradually running out further.

Although any advice on this would be great, I guess my point is do you want to risk going through all that 6 weeks out from your first race? Do you think the overspeed run will give you that great a stimulus?