Going Forward

Just a short note.

This forum has had a wonderful founder who has helped many coaches, athletes and people from all over the world and with a variety of backgrounds.

Along with a deep intelligence and respect, one of Charlie’s most disarming and admirable characteristics was his humility.

Charlie trained many well known athletes than most of us will never hear of, advised well known coaches that we will never know about and has consulted for teams most of us will never realize or even imagine. All this he did with humility, and never spoke about.

As members when we use this forum or debate, we owe it to Charlies memory to comment with respect, intelligence and humility, respecting all other members views and comments.

There are members here who have achievements to their name, never refer to them, remain anonymous and offer advice to members. New members must respect the views and advice offered as it is

The future of this forum can only be maintained and preserved in a manner worthy of the name Charlie Francis, with due respect for the ideals and values Charlie lived.

Well said and I too would like for the quality of discussion to continue on site to both honor the memory of Charlie and all that he has done for many of our careers.

I must say that upon his passing I did wonder if people would still frequent the site but have been pleasantly surprised to see that there is still significant sharing of philosophy and methods that many of us can take away. We can still learn from each other and the influence that Charlie and others have had on each of us.

While I no longer have Charlie to ask my literally 100’s of questions of (look up question for Charlie or CF regarding…- there could be a whole series there) besides doing a search for the answer I can ask one of you who might have learned about that very topic from CF himself or elsewhere.

We will keep this going and keep the CF spirit alive-much like the Randy G’s slogan that shows up in his posts.

For sure the point about humility is an important point for all to show, to demonstrate.

Amen to that!

Absolutely! I still do searches on stuff that was done years ago and I’ll admit Im still learning lots of good stuff. There are lots of good well informative people on this forum and like no23 said it would be a disservice not to talk and share info that charlie left us with.

As NO23 said a lot of people should realise that many posters on this site have achieved great success both in track and field and other sports. It is still a great resource and everyone should respect that.

It is clearly the best resource on the internet, including elitetrack.

Thank you for that.