Gaining Mass/ROM for College Javelin

words of wisdom angela. I’m sure I think too much, but that is the aspect of my athletics that I have seen the most improvement in over the last year or so. I didn’t understand the difference between how something “feels” versus what your body is actually doing; now I feel good cues and training in general, with an observant coach, are more valuable for an athlete than any amount of personal knowledge of mechanics or training. Many of the kids I’ve asked about their mechanics when I’ve noticed they looked exceptionally good (or very atypical, yet seemed to work well for them), seem to have super simple ideas of what they are doing, and everything seems to fall into place perfectly, even things they have no idea they do, or that are good, or have even thought about before.

and luckily, though my goal and what I strive for is athletic improvement, I like how training feels in general. Also, in the words of the friend who brought me to this site: “No matter what I’m not wasting my time because, in the least, I’m gonna look better on the beach”, haha. Even just being aware of adaptations makes training worthwhile because I don’t know how anyone could not be utterly fascinated by the changes a consistent lifestyle change can make