Gaining Mass/ROM for College Javelin


thrower’s warm-up
ghost throws
acrobat checks
oly lift checks
-bench (95,115,135,165 (f@5), 155)
-lat pull-down (45, 70, 90, 100, 100)
-upperbody circuit (10 exercises)
-shoulder complex
-band pulls
-pullover stretch (half normal, half supinated grip)
500 reps core
stretching (upper, core)
15’ ice (r. shoulder)

-felt good to be exercising again. havent done resistance work in like 5 days. felt very fresh in warm-ups, over-rotated a bit in my backflip check, human flag was about as solid as ever and accels felt smooth and fast
-“f@5” means i would’ve failed so i stopped at 5 reps. i hope to rarely do this, but it happens! i prefer just to move on to the next set since i already did too much if i couldn’t make the reps
-by ghost throws i mean i just kind of fooled around getting comfortable with the jav throwing motion. starting to feel more natural to me than a baseball motion, which is great. did some crossovers too. looked at a couple in mirror and i actually look like i know what i’m doing! can’t wait til the weather’s nicer and i can start throwing the spear. the added ROM is gonna be huge
-will be putting together a more exact template this weekend for parts of my workout so that i can read off print outs instead of wasting time memorizing. i’ll probably post a copy here. will do an unloading week similar in structure to what i’ve been doing the last couple weeks for the first week of april, then probably will do a 8,7,6 unload before getting into some more fitness and specific work. really just trying to get started with a good strength base and pack on some pounds!