
Hi to all of you,
do you have any information on futsal or indoor soccer? (I don’t know the correct term in english,sorrry)
I’d like to know your opinion about how to train etc ect.
Thanks in advance

A good place to start: http://expertfootball.com/forum/

Don’t you play ordinary soccer on a full sized field?.

If I switched tomorrow from regular field to indoor soccer (generally smaller pitch/field), one thing I would change would be placing more emphasis towards increasing my leg frequency because your in a more concealed space & gaining half a yard is all important, increasing agility levels even more, as opposed to what I do playing on the larger/regular field which allows me to “stretch my legs” more (training both leg/frequency/stride) instead.

Nothing really changes from the two.

I find playing indoor soccer benefits my aerobic system greatly, maybe more so than regular. Tighter playing field makes for many more 50/50 challenges/opportunities, so ALOT of stop/go, stop/go bursts in anticipation of winning the ball back…

An even better place to start would be here:
Training discussions for Soccer
and even more specifically here: Thoughts on Charlie Francis and Soccer

Thank you for all your comments about!
Yes I practice soccer in big field but my question was what in particular you do for indoor soccer than in field one.