foot strike and COM

That kid is like a combination of 09bolt and 06gatlin, in terms of his vulgarly boundish high cadence automatic natural stride.

probably not a weaker core for me just from knowing my strength levels. and maybe im rounding my lower back a bit

There is an exercise/drill I called a rudi on cf somewhere, do them properly and you will fix the problem.

any link you can post to bring me there?

Mate I don’t have the time.

I will facebook 3 athletes and ask if someone will do a vid for me. I sent you 2 vids away ago and one of the athletes is on it.

The rudi’s change the timing, the noise disappears and speed increases.

Full Squat

i assume your recommending i do more full squatting? on that note the program here generally has me full squatting in the realm of 6x4 twice a week. i think it might just be a cueing problem