flat feet and knock knees

Thanks, my strength coach is just trying to learn.

The patient came in just came in a little over a week ago. I filmed him close stance, wide stance, and the same width as the original video. There was no increase of internal rotation since the last time I saw him. He has kept the correct movement pattern and same levels of muscle strength that he had upon finishing PT.

I’d like to make a small correction, and say that valgus stress doesn’t necessarily mean internal femur rotation, and vice-versa. I, personally, have external femur rotation coupled with valgus stress. They’re two different postural afflictions. Valgus/varus stress occurs in the frontal plane, and femur rotation in the transverse plane.

I’m using the Egoscue Method to correct this dysfunctional posture. So far it’s working wonders, to the point where I decided to become certified in the Method.

Good for you, I had some good results with the Egoscue method last year, It helped reduce some lower limb probs I had, and I also felt I was running faster when better aligned.

Are there any good books on Egoscue?

http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0553379887/qid=1118159673/sr=8-1/ref=pd_csp_1/104-6218093-4770350?v=glance&s=books&n=507846 - deals more with injuries to specific to certain parts of the body.

http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0060924306/qid=1118159673/sr=8-2/ref=pd_csp_2/104-6218093-4770350?v=glance&s=books&n=507846 - deals more with realigning the whole body.

I prefer the second. This book contains a self assessment section where the reader can decide which Egoscue posture category they fall into, then follow the correction routine set out for than posture.

If an athlete’s tibia externally rotates, is it simply overuse of the TFL, Glute and outer hamstring? Would this problem require stretching of these areas as well as strengthening of inner ham and gracilis? What kind of specific stretching postures and strength exercises would be necessary?

I would recommend you loan or buy the Pain Free book and start doing the exercises for ankle pain - they will start correcting the rotation. Tibial rotation is caused by lack of muscle function in the hips leading to the compensation of turning the foot out like a duck. Focusing on stretching/strengthening a specific muscle doesn’t work in the long term. See the book for more details.

Jumpman, Thanks…very useful. Is it ‘A Revolutionary Method for Stopping Chronic Pain’ by Pete Egoscue?