Feel exhausted before training, what to do?

Some days, after school, or, in this case, after work during Christmas break, I’m dead. Literally so much, that I will be too tired to even be able to train. I will eat, and just collapse in the bed.

Now, two factors I could contribute to this sometimes is food and sleep. Some days, during school, I cant always control how much sleep I can get, because I will get packed with homework. But for the most part, I try to get 8 hours of sleep.

So, the other factor I can link it to is food. What food should I eat before training that could give me energy to be ready to train? Some days, I’m so dead, that I will just fall asleep. So, I can figure out the sleep part, but any food recomendations that could give me energy, that I could eat 1 or 2 hours before, that would give me energy to train?

I don’t think there is a magic answer. I wouldn’t train hard on days that you are real tired. After a couple of days you will probably get so frustrated that you haven’t trained hard that you will have plenty of energy.

What are you eating throughout the day? That can show us possibly why you are tired.

About the sleeping thing–I lack sleep too, but the fact is, with good time management I could (key word could) easily get in my study time, training, and all of that and get 8 or more hours of sleep (assuming I could fall alseep when I try to, which is the hard part). How much are you watching tv or going online? 5 minutes here, 15 minutes there, etc. can really add up in the long run and cut down on some of the hw and other extra crap time. When in a crunch, I have succeeded very well with this (doing little bits of homework at every possible minute and living to schedule) and I would suggest it to anybody in high school.

What are you eating throughout the day?

I vary what I eat. But my breakfast is pretty small, and that may be the problem. It consists of a sausage, and glass of orange juice and milk. I will, tomorrow, try to add cereal into the mix. The reason I just ate that, is because it is convinent and easy to make in the microwave.

As far as lunch goes, during school, its either school food (crap) or bringing in some frozen food. Drink consists of a limeade, limonade, etc. and a milk carton. I may also eat a cup of apple sauce with the frozen food if I have the time.

Snack in last period of school consists of a cup of apple sauce, maybe a snack bar, and I recently added drinking a “Boost plus” shake (High calorie shake, cept they are kind of pricey, so dont know if I can keep doing it).

Then training. After training, I drink a shake or something. Then after doing that with a break, I either do weight training or low intensity stuff (depending on the day).

Then eat dinner.

Then after doing homework or what not, I drink a glass of milk, orange juice, and eat a snack (sandwich mostly). Then go to sleep.

Also, if not mentioned, drink usually consist of orange juice or apple juice and milk.

I also eat a snack if im hungry.

watching tv or going online?

Rarily if ever watch TV. I probably only do when I eat dinner. As far as the internet goes, some days I dont even get on because I dont have the time. But on rest days, I’m on long enough.

But your idea of doing homework here and there is a great idea, never really thought of it like that.

I would be surprised if the diet was not one of the main problems.

Some thoughts for your meals:

Breakfast can be even faster than you think. Cottage cheese + pineapple is extremely quick and you can down a good amount in a short time period. My teachers are cool and let me eat in all of my classes, so I eat this first period.

Homemade beef jerky or fruit or a ham sandwitch are all good snacks (between breakfast/lunch or lunch/training) that can be eaten quickly (between classes) and are good for you.

For lunch, premaking a chicken breast and cutting it up on top of a salad takes no time and can be done well in advance (Sunday night for example). Chicken salad (I keep it simple: 10oz chicken breast + spinach + baby carrots) and some sort of accessory (sometimes fruit, right now I am using beef jerkey) to go with it and you have a good lunch.

You can eat as well as you want to eat–simple as that.

I only get about 6 hours of sleep a night and I feel great. I believe diet is more of a factor. Make sure you get some good fat.