Fat loss - I've tried everything! Please, someone!

I agree with much of what’s been written previously. If it’s whole milk(I think 4%) that would contribute to reducing your calories by going to skim or fat free milk. Too much pasta and rice in that diet, imo. Best carb sources are generally going to come from fruits and vegetables-many studies have shown fat/weight loss associated with increased fiber intake from the fruit/vege sources as well as all of the phytochemicals present in such sources providing valuable nutrients. With dark green veges, you usually can’t go wrong. Someone mentioned before about spinach-excellent choice-and broccoli too. Another advantage to high fiber and high protein foods is that both contribute to satiety-They’ll fill you up quicker than starchy carbs.

As someone else asked before. Where’s the meat? Lean protein sources such as skinless chicken breasts, turkey, lean beef(flank steaks, london-broils etc.)baked or broiled fish. Each different protein source has a unique amino acid profile providing more of some aminos that another source might be rather low in. This is why some consider it a good thing to rotate your protein sources on a fairly regular basis.

A bit off topic but though I’ll eat some carrots for the nutritional benefits, I can’t eat many as I find them they taste too sweet-for me anyway.

Keep drinking water regularly as most metabolic processes need enough to function properly. You can certainly overdo water but most in the population don’t drink enough. Fat metabolism does require water so make sure you’ve got enough in you just don’t overdo it.

  1. Milk is ok in moderation, especially if other protein sources are limited.
    Edit: I mean if you have to have the milk to get enough protein if you aren’t getting it elsewhere.

  2. Yes, fat is high in calories. So? The fat calories probably aren’t the problem with his diet. The pasta and low protein, there’s the problem.

  3. Egg yolks are great nutrition. Yes, they are high in calories. So what? It’s the total cals throughout the day that matter, not whether a certain food is too dense. You are not going to get fat from having 4 egg yolks/day!

mmmm…cholesterol. thats not bad for you…

It is not. Not for healthy young people:


Ehh…I’ll pass on the cholesterol still. But I guess besides that eggs aren’t too bad. More saturated fat than I’d like though…

Just to chime in and I’m not exactly the poster boy for this thread, but I asked BJ what it took to lose fat and he said simply “if you want to get in shape, stop eating fat…period”.

Hope this helps?


Rupert, exactly - fat has more than twice the calories than either protein or carbs.
small amounts of fat = many calories = you have to eat less and less total food = its easy to get hungry = you tend to eat more total calories = slower fat loss.

Meat is typically high in fat, but cut the fat off, particually before cooking, and the total calories drop by half in some cases. Meaning you can eat more and stop feeling hungry.

Can you drop 3-4% bodyfat in a month, from 12%-8%?? You can, but, dont expect to be feeling super strong during that time.

Fat is the least of your worries. You need fat to function properly and produce the right prostagandins. It also lowers the GI of foods, by somewhat negating the insulin spike, keeping you satisfied longer. I’d recommend about 30% of your calories come from fats(eg. nuts, meat, flax oil, fish oil, virgin coconut oil, olive oil).

I’d drop any dairy products and fast food. But in reality I’d question your training more than anything.

kool, i got a bad rep point for some reason in this thread. (comment was - your talking out your ass)

Blinky, totaly agree on needing good fats n oils. Meat fats n oils dont come under that. Neither do egg fats. Just saying. Also, when trying to loose weight in a hurry, which is the point of this thread, read the 1st point, then i would drop the 30% from fats. When the body fat is down to where you want to go, then up it back to 25-30% from good fats.

The goal here is to loose fat fast. Whether its right or wrong, its whats wanted.

The only fats I would stay away from are transfats(fast food fats) which are denatured because of the high cooking temperatures. They use the same oil day in and day out and fry the hell out of it, leaving a unnatural glue-like substance.

I would also steer clear of dairy fats due to the mess of injectable hormones in them and also the ridiculous process of milk pasturization. …If you have a cow in your backyard though, feel free to drink the fresh milk as long as you aren’t injecting him with drugs like most dairy farmers.

Other than those 2 exceptions… fats are good.

Hey guys,

Sorry for the late reply I’ve been experimenting and didn’t want to post with no new news! I want to thank everyone for your input, this has been going great. Despite what reports say about Milk not bloating, etc, the small changes I’ve made to my diet have been helping remendously and I’ve noticed such a difference in the last little while. In particular I’ve been eating a lot of nuts and salad, cut most dairy (I like cheese…ok?!), and been only spiking insulin p/w on the odd time. I’m going to continue to do this for a while and I should end up at my goal composition very soon.

Thanks everyone, I really do appreciate it!

Good to hear

Hi Mladen, Coach Rippetoe recommends the zone diet, 40 percent protein, 30 percent carbs and 30 percent fat at every meal. He also recommends milk. comments?

I ‘recomend’ Berardi’s 7 habbits, which is pretty much the same as the Zone and Paleo Diet.

Do tell.



I think this is what duxx is referring to: http://www.johnberardi.com/articles/nutrition/7habits.htm

Good work Duxx


I like alot!


Good to hear. Keep us apprised of your progress.