EMS Max Strength Journal

Thursday, 5.31.12

Block Clean - 282lbs x 2 (fail), 272lbs x 3, 257lbs x 3
Clean Grip DL - 357lbs x 5, 342 x 5, 327 x 5
CG RDL - 287lbs x 5, 272lbs x 5, 255lbs x 5
CG Shrug - 357 x 5, 342 x 5, 327 x 5
Bent Over Row - 207 x 5, 197 x 5, 187 x 5
Front/Side Plank - 1 x 60sec

282 x 2 clean fail: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGboZdM6B4I&feature=youtu.be
357 x 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZFB89iZv_Q&feature=channel&list=UL

EMS Session 4/19

Quads - 60
Hamstrings - 52
Glutes - 90
Erector Spinae - 52
Should’ve had that third rep on block cleans today. I got underneath it but just wasn’t aggressive enough with getting my elbows up. Other than this, my stress levels are about to really hit the ceiling. It’s my senior year in college and I have a lot of expectations to live up to at my job, in my classes, attaining my CSCS cert, and hitting PRs in these workouts. I also have to note that I won’t be training this Saturday because I’m going to the NSCA conference thats being held in my hometown of Waco, TX.

I made a mistake on the quad stim today by putting the negative electrodes on the bottom and the positive electrodes at the top. Not sure if this would effect the stimulation, however I was still able to handle more mAmps today. The session was definitely painful like usual.

Bol with your training. I have been writing workouts for a weightlifter you can see the exercises for the first couple blocks:

Block 1: 3 times per week
Hang power snatch
Hang power clean
Clean deadlift and shrug
Push press
Front squat
OH squat
Bench press

Block 2: Training 3x per week alt workouts
Session A:
Power snatch
Power clean
Push jerk
Front squat
Oh squat
Incline press

Session B:
Hang squat snatch
Hang squat clean
Snatch deadlift shrug
Oh squat

Block 3: Current Block
Power squat snatch
Snatch h pull
Snatch deadlift shrug
Push jerk

Oh squat
Hang squat snatch
Hang squat clean
Good morning

Power squat clean
Clean high pull
Clean dead shrug
Power snatch
Push press

Block 1: Was all prep work…

Thanks man. Thats quite a bit of comp lift exercises you’re having him do. Is there any particular reason why you aren’t doing back squats in the program?

Yes, its a higher volume program based around veteran weightlifter and 3-time Olympic coach Schmitz. Remember I only listed exercises no setsxrepsx%'s…

For example current block:
pss 2x5/x3/x2/3x2
shp 3x3
sdl 3x2
pc 2x5x/3x3
pjerk 2x5 3x3
fsq 5432/3x2
bp 10/8/6/4/3x2

Also we are still in the prep phase… We don’t get into %'s until the later phases…

I’m not very familiar with Jim Schimtz stuff. Its similar to my program in nature but has lots more OL specific exercises which is probably better from a beginner’s standpoint. After I’m done with the next two training blocks I’m going to get a lot more specific with the lifts and not focus so much on strength. My comp lifts need a ton of work.

Coach Schmitz is great - always willing to help.

Sample program he wrote for me during college - fr year…

Week #1

(A) - Monday
BS – 135x10, 225x5, 315x4, 385x3, 405x3x2
PS – 135x3x3, 175x2, 185x3x2
PC – 135x3x3, 205x2, 255x3x2
BP – 135x10, 225x5, 295x4, 315x3, 335x3x2
(B) – Wednesday
PS – 135x3x3, 175x2, 195x2, 205x3x2
PC – 135x3x3, 205x2, 255x2, 275x3x2
CHP – 295x3x3
BP – 135x0, 225x5, 275x3x4
© – Friday
PS – 135x3x3, 175x2, 195x2, 205x2, 215x3x1
PC – 135x3x3, 205x2, 255x2, 275x2, 295x3x1
FS – 135x5, 225x4, 295x3x3
BP – 135x10, 225x5, 295x4, 315x3x3

5’s Block week 3, Monday, 6.4.12

Back Squat - 382lbs x 3 (fail), 362lbs x 3 (fail)
Bench - 260lbs x 3 (fail), 235 x 5

Just not a good day today. I even cut out two lifts today and everything was still bad. I’m pretty sure my poor performance today probably happened because I’m stressing myself out a lot more than normal. I believe I will become acclimated to this “new” lifestyle soon.

Tuesday, 6.5.12

Pause Snatch Below Knee - 187lbs x 3, 192 x 3, 172 x 3
Snatch Grip DL - 342 x 3 (fail), 327 x 2 (fail), 307 x 5
Snatch Grip RDL - 275 x 5, 260 x 5, 245 x 5
Snatch Grip Shrug - 345 x 5, 325 x 5, 315 x 5
Bent Over BB Row - 210 x 5

192 x 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyDwi8H2rsY

Tied my 3RM pr on the snatches today and I’m very happy with that after how bad they were last week. I can’t explain the snatch grip DL today, just a horrible performance like yesterday probably because of the many lifestyle changes happening this week.

Wednesday, 6.6.12

Back Squat - 5 x 5 w/ 352lbs
Bench - 5 x 5 w 237lbs

Good day of getting volume. Felt stronger than Monday.

Thursday, 6.7.12

Block Clean - 287lbs x 3, 302lbs x 1
Clean Grip DL - 367lbs x 5, 347 x 5, 332 x 5
CG RDL - 302 x 5, 287 x 5, 277 x 5
CG Shrug - 367 x 5, 347 x 5, 332 x 5

287 x 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZE2_L_P_iDw&feature=channel&list=UL
My first 302lb clean: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aj-bw9P_TlA
CGDL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjzguWF4_V4&feature=channel&list=UL

It’s about time that I racked 300+lbs to my shoulders. I know its from blocks but it was an awesome feeling and I almost had the second rep. Also I think its finally safe to say that my deadlift is higher than my front squat! My deadlift has come a long way since the start of round two of this LSUS program. Overall lot’s of struggles this week, but finished strong. I’m unloading next week to prepare for the 3’s block. I won’t be training this Saturday either because I’m supposed to see my older cousin who plays TE/FB for theTexans if he shows up to my family reunion.

EMS info: Ok, I did not do any EMS this week because I really just can’t handle it in my life right now. I literally almost fell asleep at 7pm everyday this week! For the time being, my new plan is to do 2weeks on/2 weeks off with EMS. So this means this week and next week will not include EMS, but at the start of the new 3’s block I will go back to incorporating it again. Perhaps I might start incorporating it 3 days per week instead of two days per week when I start it back again. I cannot say if I am noticing any strength gains from the four sessions that I’ve done thus far. If anything, the gains I have made have just come from training alone.

How’s the ems treatments going?

Just realized it was a bad time to do all of this. Lot of unexpected things happened to me all at once and now I don’t even have access to OLs in that garage anymore. When I get my undergrad classes done in mid December, I may be able to get back to doing EMS again depending on how stressful my internship is.

If this helps any, the four sessions that I did with EMS didn’t show any strength gains really. But four sessions isn’t near the recommended range that Charlie advocated (10-15 sessions). I will update this journal whenever I start incorporating EMS in my training again, it will happen someday.

Sorry to hear that- I don’t think max strength ems treatments are worth the stress for part time athletes/full time students/healthy athletes. BOL with everything else…

Thanks man. Do you think that working as an assistant strength coach that its possible to have the time to do EMS treatments? I only ask because the 2011 and 2012 crossfit games winner says he works as an assistant strength coach and has time to do three workouts per day. I guess it depends on a lot of different things, but I’m curious if you have an opinion to this.

If he’s a div1 strength coach and have time to train 3x per day then he’s not training his athletes or he’s doing 3 30min sessions. I tried many different setups the one below worked well along with several others:

Mon/Thur: Speed 90mins
Tue/Fri: Weights 60mins
Wed/Sat: Tempo 60mins

Damn, the EMS session alone will take at least 90min… EMS is definitely for full time athletes only unless you can get a job to where you only work 30hrs per week.

Btw, right now I’m doing the smolov squat program and training less than an hour each day. It’s all I can do right now.

If it’s a must use the ems on the weaker body parts for example hamstrings etc. No time for the lsu program - how’s the smolov squat program?

Agreed, last summer I used EMS only on hamstrings and it worked very well still.

So far I’ve only done 1 week and it wasn’t that bad. I imagine that this week and next week will be very tough. After the base cycle, I’ll do a 1RM test and let you know how it goes.

Did the bobsled workouts go well with your athletes you were training - you were concerned with the times after the block of 10’s.

So far they actually have. I did do another 10’s block with the athlete, but just did intensive tempo runs (80%) during this block. I modified the set-up to where they are doing HI training elements 6 days per week. The athlete isn’t anywhere near a high level and it may be the reason why he’s handling the workload and making good gains. He never has complained with body issues with this setup. For the past 3 or 4 months, I’ve been alternating between 5’s blocks and 3’s blocks. Here are some example set-ups that I will copy and paste from the documents that I’ve typed up.

5’s block:


(Weightroom Warmup)
Back Squat – 305lbs 5RM, -5%, -10%
Bench – 245 5RM, -5%, -10%
Reverse Lunge from box – 3 x 10, 35lb DB’s
Skull Crushers – 3 x 12, 70lbs
Landmines – 3 x 10 (25lbs of plates on top of bar)

Cooldown – 5-10min on bike or elliptical
Static stretch – hold stretches in warmup for 30sec each


(Track Warmup)
8 x 60yds, 5-6min rest
Power Skips for Height (only) – 3 x 5

Cooldown – 200yd jog (either on field or track)
Static Stretch – hold stretches in warmup for 30sec each


(Weightroom Warmup)

Clean Pull – 3 x 3, 275lbs
Clean Grip DL – 5RM w/ 345, -5%, -10%
Strict Deadhang chin - ups (underhand grip) – 12 x 2 (45sec-60sec rest)
45 degree back hypers – 3 x 5, 60lb DB
Swiss Ball Front Plank – 3 x 60sec
Side-ups – 2 x 20

Cooldown – 5-10min on bike or elliptical
Static Stretch – hold stretches in warmup for 30sec each


(Track Warmup)

7 x 80m EFEF, 7-8min rest
Power Skips for Distance (only) – 3 x 5

Cooldown – 200yd jog (either on field or track)
Static Stretch – hold stretches in warmup for 30sec each


(Weight Room Warmup)
Back Squat – 3 x 5 w/ 90% of 5RM, AND -5%, -10%
Military Press – 145lb 5RM, -5%, -10%
RDL - 235lb 5RM, -5%, -10%
DB Row – 3 x 5 w/ 75lb DB’s
Decline Russian Twists – 3 x 30 total reps, 25lb plate

Cooldown - 10min bike ride
Static stretches – hold stretches in warmup for 30sec each


(track warmup)
12 x 30m Hill sprints, 2-3min rest in between

Cooldown – 200yd jog (either on field or track)
Foam Roll – each muscle group 10-20x each
Static Stretch – hold stretches in warmup for 30sec each

3’s Block:


(Weightroom Warmup)
Back Squat – 330lbs 3RM, -5%, -10%
DB Jump Squat – 7 x 3, 25lb DB’s
Bench – 255lbs 3RM, -5%, -10%
DB Bulgarian Split Squat – 3 x 6, 45’s
Skull Crushers – 3 x 8, 80lb BB
Landmines – 3 x 8 (35lbs of plates on top of bar)

Cooldown – 5-10min on bike or elliptical
Static stretch – hold stretches in warmup for 30sec each


(Track Warmup)
Pushup Start – 5 x 20yds
Mt. Climber Start – 5 x 20yds
3pt Start – 5 x 20yds

Cooldown – 200yd jog (either on field or track)
Static Stretch – hold stretches in warmup for 30sec each


(Weightroom Warmup)

Clean Pull – 3 x 2, 310lbs
Clean Grip DL – 3RM w/ 380, -5%, -10%
BLF – 10x, 10lb Ball
Strict Deadhang chin - ups (underhand grip) – 5 x 3
45 degree back hypers – 4 x 6, 65lb DB
Decline Sit-ups – 2 x 30
Side-ups – 2 x 30

Cooldown – 5-10min on bike or elliptical
Static Stretch – hold stretches in warmup for 30sec each


(Track Warmup)

3pt – 4 x 20yds
3pt – 3 x 40yds
3pt – 1 x 60yds

Cooldown – 200yd jog (either on field or track)
Static Stretch – hold stretches in warmup for 30sec each


(Weight Room Warmup)
Back Squat – 3 x 3 w/ 90% of 5RM, AND -5%, -10%
Tuck Jumps – 7 x 4
Military Press – 175lbs 3RM, -5%, -10%
RDL - 275lb 3RM, -5%, -10%
OHB – 10x, 10lb ball
DB Row – 3 x 5 w/ 85lb DB’s
Decline Russian Twists – 3 x 30 total reps, 25lb plate

Cooldown - 10min bike ride
Static stretches – hold stretches in warmup for 30sec each


(track warmup)
30yd buildup into 20yd sprint – 4x

Cooldown – 200yd jog (either on field or track)
Foam Roll – each muscle group 10-20x each
Static Stretch – hold stretches in warmup for 30sec each

Looks good - what type of increases are we talking about?

Explain - squat 5rm - 5% 10% (Work up to 5rm then decrease by 5 and 10)?

What’s your reason to only pulls on Wed?

How did the deadlifts go for 10’s in block 1?

Why the switch to 6 hi days?

So far, his 40yd time was 5.2x and now its 4.8x even though he still weighs 225 at 5’11. Squat has also gone up 30-40lbs, deadlift has gone up 20lbs, bench 5-10. He was very weak and we had put tons and tons of focus on speed work for months to maybe a year and we didn’t really get anywhere.

Here’s an example. 305lb 5RM, then 5 x 95% (-5%) of 305lbs is 290lbs, then 5 x 90% of 305lbs is 275lbs. I used this during the 10’s block as well.

Regarding the pulls only: I just wanted to make sure we had a pull only day just like how the Bobsled document had done it. This was the only reason why. We do clean grip deadlift with straps btw.

Deadlifts went well for 10’s block 1. I can’t recall him failing on any reps during the entire block. Also keep in mind that we didn’t do any HI speed work during the most recent 10’s block.