April 30, 2009, 8:51am
Charlie thanks for the tip ! Sounds good to me.
Yes I suppose they could be used for training, actually they should be used primarily after training together with a million other things that can be done to speed up recovery and prevent injuries !
I injured it because I was a little bit dumb, I ran 11.13 on saturday 2 weeks ago, which is a 0.3 PB almost from best time last season and I was loaded after a hard speed week, THEN ran 60’s the monday after, so I pulled at 40m in one of the runs and limped back home.
The muscle did not give any fatigue hints in the 30’s before the speed work though…
You live and learn… I’ll stick to ACC 48 hours after a meet from now on, speed never felt good enough to get a training effect 48 hours after a race.
I wrapped it with a regular elastic band you get at the drug store… The one used for ankle sprains etc.
Congrads on the PB!
I’m definately going to try that routine after my speed sessions and see how I feel. Should be great to penetrate through any tight spots.