Dwain Chambers

Too bad for Chambers… Hopefully he makes it onto the 100m squad for Berlin (but I doubt it).

How did Joel do? I noticed he warmed up in middle distance spikes then switched into comp spikes later… any reason for this?

well !!! long story but i couldnt go with him and he tends to suffer mentally when alone so didnt too well and wouldnt ya know he been ill since the u23 but still ran .58 but didnt even bother in the semi ran .92 and pulled out of the 200 today. think im gonna pull him from next weeks race at brum, he raced too much lately and its now showing.

Yeah he uses the old puma’s as their just comfy we also found that by warming up in softer spikes his legs are more receptive to speed.

I saw your result how you feel about it?

Had a nightmare… basicly did my jump before I got in the blocks and bang: both calfs cramped. It’s happened before and I thought ‘oh shit, I aint gonna pull out infront of all these people’, so got in the blocks and ran the whole race with two cramped calfs?! so the time was alright considering.

I’m pissed tho cos I would have got to the semi’s otherwise.

The softer spikes think is interesting… a bit like the running on grass phenomenon.

Yeah the soft spikes seems to work that way for us. Yeah Joel was down as he could and should have made the final. When is your next race?

You think he could have beaten MLF?

where are you based aj and who else do you train?

Capable of getting fastest loser hoping to get him down to .3x by end of season but the series of races and imune system knocked him back since under 23

sorry missed the message was commenting from blackberry lol were in coventry…

Joel really wants to run this weekend at the EAP on sat and sprint series sun so we got 5 day turnaround, see what i can do now lol

I’m doing EAP on Sat… whats this he’s doing Sunday? Not the Brum Games? Is he doing Loughborough EAP?

BTW, are you making any changes to his form? Because he really sits when he sprints… not sure if it hurts him.

He doing the hundred on Sat the sprint series final on Sunday also at Birmingham. Were adjusting his form slightly but we tried changing but it just doesn’t work so small changes only, doesn’t hurt him at all had that style since he started when younger. Only had my influence now for 18 months. Trained togethe before but now I take more active role in coaching and development. For instance he may sit but his strode length is huge when he doesn’t flap it like Sat lol already given talking to lol


What a shame?! What has happened to him?
He was untouchable as junior/under 23:confused:

he is still injured not fully fit…had a seroius achilles tendon injury last year

He has got a massive stride length, yea… and Asafa is also a sitter, but it’s Asafa’s is not as pronounced. I think minor changes leading gradually to slightly higher hips (like Asafa in the last 2 years) will yield some scary times… if you implement changes slowly like you seem to have done. But thats just an outside observation!

…He made it :slight_smile:

Glad to see Dwain was selected. Any news on his upcoming race schedule? He is a hard man to keep track of.

He looks heavy at the moment.

He is indeed (the forgotten man)… I haven’t been able to track down his next meets before worlds. Hopeful he peaks well.

He claimed to have been “exhausted” at the trials, and said he raced too often leading up to it.

I guess he took that overloading theory a bit too far perhaps? He did race a whole lot leading up to the trials it seemed.

I hope he cleans Simeon’s clock next time out.

I think Simeon is the least of his worries. Hopefully he medals.