During Competition Nutrition.

Eat a bigger breakfast! Have a snack before you go to bed the night before like a couple pop tarts or something like that.

I get up 5 or 6 hours before a meet and make sure I have a pretty big breakfast around 4 hours before I would compete. My breakfast would be eggs, toast w/jelly, hashbrowns, and bacon. Then I’ll sip on gatorade and/or water and nibble the rest of day on a power bar, animal crackers, fig newtons, things like that. Basically, you’re stomach should never be growling.

You have to eat more than a bagel before you compete. Breakfast gets you going and we all know it’s the most important meal of the day. Why would that be any different if you are an athlete on a competition day?

I’ve been using a flax seed oil from Whole Foods and not choosing Udo’s mainly because of the Berardi article. Do you feel I should switch to Udo’s though?

bagels and pop tarts both have a very high gylcemic index. Definatley what you do not want precompetition.

I thought you did want high GI carbs before a meet as it metabolizes into your bloodstream faster? I guess I’m seriously off here.Also, aren’t Powerbars and such high GI, too, because of the normally high sugar content?

One other thing - what about things like maybe a Myoplex Ready-to-Drink and some fruit during a meet? I don’t know about you guys, but I have a lot of sitting time at my meets so I need to stay fed.

Ex: My last meet I had 5.5hrs before my first event and all I had in that time was a banana and a hot dog (I know, but I had nothing else on me and only a couple bucks) in that time. Before the meet I had some yogurt and eggs (not enough, I know, but I was being rushed out the house). Any help, please? Thanks.

Cool, cool, cool

You dont want foods with a high glycemic index because what happens is it causes your blood sugar level to shoot up which cause a release of insulin to get you blood sugar back to normal and when all that is said and done you feel fatigued like you want to go to sleep.

A myoplex RTD and fruit during a meet is alot like what i said i eat. Boost or Ensure and soem fruit. In this thread We still havent established other means of during competition nutrition. We simply compared the ingredients recovoery formuals.

Okay, so basically I’ll be good to consume a RTD and fruit and high GI equals no.

But…I heard high GI post-workout is actually a good thing? Any thoughts on this?