Don's Training Journal

2 min rest for all sets

Back Squat - 92x3(3)
P Clean & Jerk - 85x2+1, 87x2+1(2) PB
Clean Pulls - 100x1(3)

87x2 was a PB and I managed 2 sets. Second set was stronger than the first. This despite feeling v fatigued. Cut last two sets of squats due to fatigue from the previous session.

2 min rest all sets

Front Squat - 85x3(3)
Snatch - 62x2(3)
Snatch Pull - 82x2(4)

Snatch felt very fast and explosive. Experimented with widening my stance on front squats to allow me to sit in more rather than sitting back. Felt good and I think I’ll continue with wider stance.

Don/ David W

  • What role does static stretching play in a OL program, any?

  • What is a standard OL session warm-up?

Just curious. Thanks.

Research suggests that static stretching reduces power output therefore, it is ideally performed after the session. Occasionally extreme tightness (e.g. Don’s hip flexors) necessiatates some short duration stretches prior to lifting (after warm up). We usually use a dynamic warmup, e.g. arm/leg swings, unweighted goodmornings & squats.