Does a 40+ vertical translate into an explosive start?

Well for someone 6 foot 1 a 47 inch vert off an approach is needed. So if he was infact able to hit his head on the rim I would like to see it.

I call BS. I remember a while ago someone mentioned Donovan has a 44" vertical. Then said “yea right, I saw him in a dunk contest and he could barely dunk”.

I am not surprised he can dunk (if it is true). His arms are pretty damn long along with being a tad over 6’. I know guys (my roommate in particular) with almost no athletic ability @ 6’3" that can dunk, so a WR holder shouldn’t be much different.

I cant believe this argument is still even going on if someone had a 50in legitimate vertical and was measured at or with an inch or two of that I am sure there would be footage of it somewhere.

I remember reading awhile back a similiar argument and forgive me for not remembering the names as it was a few years ago, but what ended up coming out of it was that the highest legitimate vertical this person ever saw was 42" inches by a triple jumper.

Anything around 40 I would give a person, I could see that happening, I have seen people jump near that and they were nowhere near an elite athlete.

But 50 inches, 50 inches a stretch, for anybody, especially if measured properly. And I dont understand why combines dont measure from a one armed tiptoe, hell I can have a vertical jump of like 6 or 7 inches without leaving me feet the way most verticals are measured.

i agree with you that measurments must be accurate but you shouldnt be on your tiptoe when u do the prelimnary measurment. one the athlete isnt stable and therefore measurment can be skwed and also i think a vert should be the absolute ability of an athelte to raise himself from a stationary and stable postion ie flat footed.

The measure can be skewed when the athlete is flat foot all he has to do is dip his shoulder.

If an athlete cant stay stable when hes on his tip toes for a couple seconds to get a measurement well then maybe he isnt an athlete.

The last point is a matter of preference, I dont understand why u measure from a stable position, they should measure broad jump from the ball of your foot then not from where you actually take flight like I propose for vertical jump.

You need this at $189 it’s a STEAL

that would be great in-house but i think its results would differ from vertec measurments.

This is the classic Abalakov test, you can build the device yourself for a small amount of money, so yes $189 that’s a steal!

i’ve seen scientific journals that strongly suggest plyometric jumps do not improve top speed in sprinting and and have very little if anything to do with acceleration.

i have a 37" vertical which isnt great but isnt bad.

my starts are not very good though…

but honestly every one ive known with a good vertical also had a good start.

all except 1 kid who has a 39 1/2 vert and isnt a very good starter.

but for the most part the kids who have a good vert have an explosive start.

this might just be coincidence around here though…

37 inches is great! its almost elite!

Well, think about it, anybody with a vert close to 40 inches, is an elite athlete to begin with, VERY few athletes have 40 inch plus. Your bound to have a pretty good start if your allready that explosive at a somewhat similiar activity. Your most likely lean, you are explosive, you do have great power to weight ratio, a lot of the same things needed for a great start.

so if u have a athlete that jump 40in but only run 4.6 is he still elite??

I’d like to ask. How do you measure your vertical? When you jump off of ground you lift up your knees to your chest or you should be straight up in the air? Elaborate please. :wink:

He’s an elite athlete in the vertical jump, depends how YOU are classifying elite. What’s elite to you, top 5% of competetive athletes? If some guy holds the IPF deadlift record and runs 4.8 is he still elite? Yes he is. Just not at running! All I was saying if that an elite athlete, even if not elite at sprinting, but perhaps the vertical jump, maybe powerlifting, maybe olympic lifting, maybe long jump, has a good possibility of having a good start since he’s already very proficient in another activity that many people feel has a good carryover to sprinting. Not always of course.