Tim, with respect, since 2003 I’ve published an enormous amount of free information that regards my thoughts on the physical preparation of American footballers and the absolute very last interest of mine is to spend one second more than was necessary to obtain that nice photo of the girls on that website.
I must ask you to understand that I possess a knowing as a result of exhaustive research, practice in the field, and developing correspondences with incredibly well established and honored sport scientists from overseas and it pains me to even think about reviewing information published by anyone who is affiliated with an organization such as cross-fit.
Simply based upon this:
I will tell you that this is the language of flatlanders and I reside in the world of an added dimension (read Abott)
Meaning, it is irresponsible to the point of being offensive to consider any part of the training process while ignoring another.
Remember this, American football is bioenergetically and biodynamically characterized by a multitude of factors that can in no way, shape, or form be optimally addressed, even partially, void of understanding the whole- and no cracker jack box cross-fit certification or otherwise can begin to approach the necessary level of information that meets my standard of qualification in this regard.
Incidentally, if cross-fit ever makes its way into influencing the majority of the sport training world, well I’d have to give some serious consideration to leaving the country or making a career change.