Coming back from chronic achilles

So much rain in Sydney lately, grass is only good when dry and flat. I’ve been sticking to concrete and synthetic.

22/3 Friday

am) b.squats singles up to 140, RDL singles up to 160- circuit

pm) b. squat singles up to 150, 8s 2 r x 120, incline press singles up to 110 pause, circuit

strength pretty good at the moment, felt strong standing up in the squat. Need to work on stability in parallel position

Sat 23/03

2x100, 1x50 , 7 min run

Had some leg soreness from yesterday.

Last week Romanian Deadlifted 200kg. Sumo deadlifted 210. Feel I have the back strength for 230-240 , need to work on sitting hips lower.

I only use the 45 deg leg press machine,

My achilles pain has been moving around. for the last month or two the pain was manifesting in the heel and sometimes the bottom of the foot. I guess its all the same. I decided to get some agressive therapy with my therapist…who i have been avoiding since December. saw him last week and he said my hips were off, one side of my back was tight and my right calf was locked up in a constant spasm. I also had tons of inflammation in my heel on the left and right side below the achilles. the inflammtion felt like rocks. First session was nothing but pain. He first uses ems to loosen up the muscles. put it on my back, calf and tendon foot area. Cranked machine up and i thought my calf would blow. after that he used ultrasound. then he went into manual therapy. thats where it really hurt. He dug into the calf and the heel. He pushed the inflammation out the heel and rubbed the calf. I waited a few days and came back for session two. Next session felt much better.

Applied EMS cranked it up and felt almost nothing. calf was not locked up. Didnt jump off the table. inflammation in heel was almost gone also. Hips were not off and back wasnt tight anymore. Heel pain felt much better day to day. Im going to test it with spikes and see how it goes. I have another session with him this week. I think im gonna have to see him every other week from now on in addition to other things to keep pain from flaring up. I have to keep my calves loose as possible.

I have been doing alot of grass and turf running with once a week on the track in spikes. I wonder if the grass was contributing to the issue.

Sounds like insertional tendinopathy and not mid portion tendinopathy. If you’re training on grass, you want to ensure that the field is flat and relatively firm. Soft grass will exacerbate pain by increasing the stretch on the AT on landing.

Minimise spikes on the track ( mid distance is a option). I use grass occasionally for starts or just block clearance. I stay in flats and warm up on synthetic or concrete.

22/3 Friday

am) b.squats singles up to 140, RDL singles up to 160- circuit

pm) b. squat singles up to 150, 8s 2 r x 120, incline press singles up to 110 pause, circuit

strength pretty good at the moment, felt strong standing up in the squat. Need to work on stability in parallel position

Sat 23/03

2x100, 1x50 , 7 min run

Had some leg soreness from yesterday.

Last week Romanian Deadlifted 200kg. Sumo deadlifted 210. Feel I have the back strength for 230-240 , need to work on sitting hips lower

24/03 Sun

Weight 82.4kg. Abdominal muscles still visible but planning to cut down to 81.0kg

a) singles incline press up to 110, shoulder complex circuit, single leg cr on leg press 4s15r 3 hr break
b) single leg cr on leg press 4s15r / triceps extensions ( rope) 5s x 10 50 %
treadmill 9k/hr 5 min single leg hops 5 r x 5
box jumps 20 inches straight landing x 5

c) 2x60, starts block clearance grass x5 ( flats)

single leg CR 8 inch block 4s 10 reps 10kg vest. No pain. Strongest both Achilles have felt. Functionally strong, however I still want to reduce swelling which is more pronounced on the right leg.

Just got back from practice. Felt good warming up on turf in my trainers. Spiked up on the track and after 3 block starts to 20 it flared up. Felt as if it wasnt even warm. I put trainers back on for a few more starts and felt manageable. I also did a 120 in flats and felt ok. Only flairs up in my spikes. I have some mid distance spikes. Ill bring those next time. Early season I was doing starts on the turf. I guess Ill have to go back to that again.

Also check what type of spike stud you have. Use pyramid spikes, they don’t stab and sink deep into the track like the thin and sharp ( needle spikes). The thinner sharp spikes creates more friction on ground contact which will load up the AT.

22/3 Friday

am) b.squats singles up to 140, RDL singles up to 160- circuit

pm) b. squat singles up to 150, 8s 2 r x 120, incline press singles up to 110 pause, circuit

strength pretty good at the moment, felt strong standing up in the squat. Need to work on stability in parallel position

Sat 23/03

2x100, 1x50 , 7 min run

Had some leg soreness from yesterday.

Last week Romanian Deadlifted 200kg. Sumo deadlifted 210. Feel I have the back strength for 230-240 , need to work on sitting hips lower

24/03 Sun

Weight 82.4kg. Abdominal muscles still visible but planning to cut down to 81.0kg

a) singles incline press up to 110, shoulder complex circuit, single leg cr on leg press 4s15r 3 hr break
b) single leg cr on leg press 4s15r / triceps extensions ( rope) 5s x 10 50 %
treadmill 9k/hr 5 min single leg hops 5 r x 5
box jumps 20 inches straight landing x 5

c) 2x60, starts block clearance grass x5 ( flats)

single leg CR 8 inch block 4s 10 reps 10kg vest. No pain. Strongest both Achilles have felt. Functionally strong, however I still want to reduce swelling which is more pronounced on the right leg.

Mon 25/3

am) quad complex, bsquats 2r up to 140, felt easy ,

pm) synthetic track : 3x60 , 10 x 4 ( 1.74- 1.78 ), 20x2 free lap 3.06, 3.16 - 1x 100 flats
- sumo deadlift 1x 120,170,210,220 - 220 was easy definitely in shape for 240 deadlift
- reverse grip pulls downs 5x5
- static stretching 20 minutes

I felt like vomiting during track I had my lunch too late and next time I am avoiding the garlic sauce.

Some old advice from CF. I am running at Stawell (Saturday 20 April, Sunday 21 and Monday 22 April 2019) I think after this comp I will introduce 300mx5 and drop the pace to 17s per 100m which is very slow but Charlie had no lower limit to tempo. In hindsight I’ve done them too fast in past.

22/3 Friday

am) b.squats singles up to 140, RDL singles up to 160- circuit

pm) b. squat singles up to 150, 8s 2 r x 120, incline press singles up to 110 pause, circuit

strength pretty good at the moment, felt strong standing up in the squat. Need to work on stability in parallel position

Sat 23/03

2x100, 1x50 , 7 min run

Had some leg soreness from yesterday.

Last week Romanian Deadlifted 200kg. Sumo deadlifted 210. Feel I have the back strength for 230-240 , need to work on sitting hips lower

24/03 Sun

Weight 82.4kg. Abdominal muscles still visible but planning to cut down to 81.0kg

a) singles incline press up to 110, shoulder complex circuit, single leg cr on leg press 4s15r 3 hr break
b) single leg cr on leg press 4s15r / triceps extensions ( rope) 5s x 10 50 %
treadmill 9k/hr 5 min single leg hops 5 r x 5
box jumps 20 inches straight landing x 5

c) 2x60, starts block clearance grass x5 ( flats)

single leg CR 8 inch block 4s 10 reps 10kg vest. No pain. Strongest both Achilles have felt. Functionally strong, however I still want to reduce swelling which is more pronounced on the right leg.

Mon 25/3

am) quad complex, bsquats 2r up to 140, felt easy ,

pm) synthetic track : 3x60 , 10 x 4 ( 1.74- 1.78 ), 20x2 free lap 3.06, 3.16 - 1x 100 flats
- sumo deadlift 1x 120,170,210,220 - 220 was easy definitely in shape for 240 deadlift
- reverse grip pulls downs 5x5
- static stretching 20 minutes

I felt like vomiting during track I had my lunch too late and next time I am avoiding the garlic sauce.

Tues 26/3

a)6x100 grass, 10-20x3
b) 50x2 , 10,20 track, 10x5 grass
c) 1x100, 1x150 flats block starts 10mx5, 20mx3 grass


am) upper body circuit

Do you think your lower leg/feet will handle the 5x300s?

Did you post this workout several days ago?

When adding a training session I copy and past the last 7 days as I can get an overview.

I have no issues handling volume just intensity. In the off season I do cross country runs up to 5-8k without any issues. Flares occur with speed and mostly in spikes.

Wed 27/3

am) upper body circuit

Easy day, iced my quads/hamstrings. Hip flexor stretches.

Sprinter doing CC?

I don’t do it every offseason. But in 2014 I did a lot and had a good season 2015/2016. I combine it with it strides and do plyometrics to maintain power.

The first 4 weeks is hell as it takes a while for the legs/ cardiovascular system to adopt. I did get my 5k time time and considered moving up to middle distance. I have no Achilles pain at these speeds.

What are your 60, 100, 200, squat, bench prs?

I ran my best times as teenager. Squat 220 parallel , deadlift 250 ( 220 this week) , bench 140. I train with some power lifters with 310kg deadlifts, they have encouraged me to compete in Powerlifting because I am posting good numbers but I enjoy running/track.