April 12, 2012, 10:48pm
ESTI, not to highjack your thread (hope I’m not doing that) Just an obvservation from what I’ve seen many times is that more often than not hurdlers soar too high over hurdles because they take off too close the hurdle. Often they are not “up” tall enough (more of an issue with the men) to takeoff properly resulting in a blocking action rather than a cut step. I see that is an issue in not being active enough with the takeoff foot (I often equate the hurdle takeoff to a TJ takeoff due to the active nature of the step as well as avoiding any lowering of the hips at takeoff) and they plant the foot out or down rather than being quick/back with the takeoff-i.e. avoid casting it out and leaving it out-a quicker takeoff foot is pretty much always desirable. A more active foot plant generally results in better horizontal velocity, lower clearance and a further takeoff. Another issue is not leading, as we all know, with the knee results in a more vertical projection and horiz. velocity is not maintained.
No hi-jacking at all!
I thought the same thing. We did measurements and he’s 2.20 to hurdle and 1.50 away from it. It’s right at recommended levels from most hurdle sources. This was first thing Clemson had me analyze. By the way, do you have a Dropbox account? ?