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What drives me crazy is that he obviously trained and played his way to USHL and under our program, he was never injured. Never missed one game or practice. Now in one summer, trashes both hamstrings. It pisses me off because I was at his grad party and his Dad who loved everything I did before says " You know Dave, his training is all about speed now. Thats the way the game is going" I was thinking, he must have been fast enough to get signed by the team, and he wasn’t injured. Now I get the job of doing ART, stim, and deep tissue trying to get him healthy. What can you do?

I agree. I would punch him in the F’ing mouth if I could. I would love to ask him his rationale behind his program. It is the old throw a pile of shit at the wall and see what sticks. He is not a good coach, but he must be better than me because he works for a USHL team. Haha.

Sounds like someone sold the dad a bill of goods of how the kid needed to be trained without the experience(of the dad) from which to assess what is necessary in achieving that speed development.

In what way is that training going to accomplish his development of speed that his dad talks about? He likely does not enough to make such an evaluation.

I guess you are not in position to train the kid anymore but I wonder if it would be any use contacting the dad to let him know about the problems with the crap you have posted here.

It would unfortunately fall on deaf ears. It seems as though because someone is in a position as a team S&C coach, he is instantly correct on everything. I liken it to when people criticize Barwis for the things he does and the first reply is “Well he works for such and such, why aren’t you if you know so much?” His dad saw tremendous improvement over the years but suddenly, he is taking it to the next level. I love the kid but can’t save him from this if nobody is willing to listen. I feel like I am going to be saying “I told you so” when he gets hurt. Oh well, what can you do.

Unless you asked for these workouts, I am guessing that the kid knows there is a problem with this new program and that’s why he sent them to you? Does the kid know the crap he’s doing now is an issue?

I asked him for them. When I was doing massage on legs today, he kind of admitted he hated the speed days. He said it felt endless. I said its not speed, it’s endurance work. Too little rest. He knows better, but he is a compliant kid. I think he just wants to make an impression so he can get a college offer. He doesn’t want to make waves. He is a great kid, I just hate having to sit and watch this happen. I pray it doesn’t ruin him.

Ok my knees hurt just even thinking about doin all of this crap! If this is the kid we talked about some time ago, dude I seriously have his dad raise all kinds of fuss over this idiotic program!

In our many conversations, it is more of the same. I just never cease to be amazed by this crap. I just like that I get a call to fix these guys when others screw them up. I guess everybody is convinced that the next best thing is right around the corner when it comes to training. It’s like “Dave, you were great, but this new guy is the end game of training.” I feel like because I am proficient and simplified in my processes that evryone thinks there must be better stuff out there. I am sure there is, but this isn’t an example of it.

Like I said, if there is a sport that need help in training its hockey!

They are completley overtrained or undertrained (little to know training at all).

This is another example of meat ball soup!

Nap, you are so correct it’s scary. I was blown away when my kid e-mailed me the program. It is such a load of dung. Like I said, I would love to sit with this guy and have him explain the rationale behind the program. Apparently all the athletes he trains lack nervous systems and endocrine systems.

What is his background, where did he learn his stuff.

I guess in their parts, stuff is good, but the whole programs is too much exposure. Nobody could possible recover from all this.

Nor could you figure out how to fix it!

You have to focus on the limiting factors of the sport - the things that can not be developed on the ice - the qualities that will impact performance improvement.

This program tries to hit everything including the kitchen sink!

It’s an issue when some (in this case) the Dad does not know good from bad, apples from oranges and so on.

They can’t see long term results when they walk into a facility (though the dad should be able to see that through his son’s results with you) they only see cones, gadgets, toys and so on that we know don’t mean much in developing an athlete but they don’t. They see what’s on the surface and not much else-it’s very superficial.

Because they don’t know enough about the subject matter they believe that simplicity and low to moderate volumes can’t be enough to be an effective program-wrong again.

They also reason that if a coach is employed by team x and they are in some top league then he must be the best. Wrong-not only is he possibly not the best but he might not even be all that competent but then the guy who hired him likely knows little of the subject of s & c either.

Ok It sounds like I need to get in the area of S&C in hockey in my neck of the woods. There’s no way I can do worse than this guy plus I know for a fact that most of the people up here drive miles an miles to train. So I may decide to but I will definately try to pick you guys brain before I decide to ( Number 2, Pioneer, ESTI, Speedcoach, etc.) if thats cool cause unlike OTHER coaches Id like to know what Im looking for and at before I jump into something and looking like a FOOL and not know Im talking about.

After all I didnt know jack about hoop but now Im working with several guys not only in college but who play overseas so I must have did something right. (It didnt hurt having a former 9 year nba vet as the assistant coach of the team either to pick his brain either)

[QUOTE=Highlander;240149]After all I didnt know jack about hoop but now Im working with several guys not only in college but who play overseas so I must have did something right. (It didnt hurt having a former 9 year nba vet as the assistant coach of the team either to pick his brain either)[/QUOTE

Its just problem solving skills - if your good at that and have common sense you will be able to make a big difference!

It helps to know the demands of the game. I look at everything from the most simple to the more complex. My one player is a top rated 95 in the USA. He is 15 yrs old and we have worked together since he was 10. Back in the beginning he was doing bodyweight exercises and light dumbells with his older sisters. At 13, we started doing real resistance work. My goal was just to increase his organism strength. We did basic movements higher reps. He has always been emotionally mature, so we were building on things. He squatted weight so effortlessly that it was scary. He box squatted 225 for 10 easy in 7th grade. Going into 9th grade, he was squatting more than some of my college football players. This year, I peeled him back on lower body while getting him stronger through his upper body all while trying to minimize hypertrophy. He is 5’10" 175 and he benched 195x3 the other day. I don’t really care about numbers, just that the trend is up year after year. His rowing strength is of importance because I worry about shoulder injuries and posture due to nature of the sport. Under our program he has been the leading scorer every year in Tier 1 hockey on a national champion team. What I am most proud of is he has never missed a practice, game, or shift due to injury. God willing, he has the tools to go big time. His family advisor(agent) reps 20+ NHL players and think he will be an elite NHL forward. I know next year he will likely be on US team out of Ann Arbor so it may be my last summer with him.

I am so used to being under estimated for what I do. Nothing sexy, no fancy gadgets just practical methods I have learned from the greats like Charlie and Ian. Add to that 25+ years in the weight rooms and sport, I feel like I may know a bit about this athletic prep thing. It is so irritating when people think because someone is employed by a team they must know more than us private sector guys. I never wanted to do that. I made more money than 90% of these guys and did it on my own terms. We have owned 2 facilities and still, because I don’t pull out all the latest gadgets, I am questioned. I just tell parents, look at the scholarships and combine results. Our kids are routinely some of the fastest and all I use is cones and a stop watch. No FastTwitch 7000 proprioceptive unstable surface speed generator proven to make your kid 262% faster in university studies. Sorry couldn’t resist being a smartass.

:smiley: LMBO! Well said! I get the exact same thing. Like you I dont pull out all gadgets (ladders, chutes, weight vests, etc) and just get results. I think the biggest injury I ever had with 1 of my athletes training with me is a cramp in his side. Of course after stretching for about 1 min give or take, a shot of water an we were back in business.
But seriously if you guys out there dont know SPEED COACH AND ESTI are some guys who you seriously should try to talk to. Im blessed I get to talk to them whenever there free.