Some random thoughts:
I love the idea in theory, but I’m not sure that it would hold up. As others have mentioned, how can anyone tell certifications apart anyway? Nothing is truly “official”…and this would hold very limited weight in my profession (US College strength and conditioning)
However - what about the idea of online courses and discussions? In my opinion, people would take these types of classes for actual personal benefit, not just to get another series of letters after their name on a resume!
What about a 12 week course, for example, delivered via some online system, taken at the user’s pace? (I teach a few online classes as well, and have some knowledge of this). At the end, the “student” could claim that they successfully completed The CFTS “school”, or “sprint basics” (etc.) , and sell it as some kind of area of study, specialization, or continuing education.
Sorry for the ramblings - I’m just trying to see a way to tie this into education, not certification. (semantics, perhaps - but we’ll see)