Bruny Surin Calls Out Canadian Sprinters

Uh oh, I guess I’d better quit.

Seriously, this “bad genes” argument is a cop out. A nation of 30-million citizens has to have a few that are fast, end of discussion. People listen to that bad genes crap and decide they suck before even stepping foot on a track.

If I listened to that garbage, I would have quit a long time ago.

Perhaps if Canada were a thousand kilometers closer to the equator they might have the weather to enforce the type of training it takes to get 9.8x…

they’ve already had three

they must have been very lucky to have had the genes at that time :wink:

Federation budgets aside- those three not only had genes, they could afford a suit!

And yet Steffensen was the only athlete to voluntarily depart and that was because he went to the US.

Most successful athletes aren’t stupid. If they thought the coaching service was better elsewhere they’d have left Michael Khmel soon enough.