Bolt moving out to 400m

Tommie set 10 world records (1 unofficial) but never over 100m or 100y, so he’s scratched. I haven’t found any men who have set WR at 100y/m, 200m/220y or 400m/440y - the search continues…

So far I’ve found Irina Szewinska who set WR at 100m, 200m and 400m as well as Betty Cuthbert who had 100 yards, 200m and 440y as well as 400m, but Cuthbert’s 400m times would not have been world records had the North Korean, Sin Kim Dan, had her performances recognised by the IAAF. But being the type of regime they continue to be today, the PRK did not affiliate with the IAAF so none of their performances were recognised by the IAAF. Sin ran 51.9 (hand) in 1962 in Pyongyang, 51.4h in 63 in Jakarta and 51.2 on oCT 21, 1964 - 4 days after Cuthbert clocked an IAAF recognised WR of 52.01sec in winning the 400m at the Tokyo Olympics.

Another Aussie, Marlene Mathews also held 100y, 220y and 440y world records in the late 1950s.