Blake 19.26 200m

And that was with a 0.269 reaction time. Incredible. Can’t wait for next season.

The commentator says, “Dix has this one!!!” Not quite!!!

Yeah had he not had such a slow reaction time I think he would have had the WR

Glen mills must do something right!!!

We need one more forum on that like…right now!!!

Wow, insane. Is sub 19 in the works in next years olympic year? This mark I guess wasn’t suprising considering he had a real good 200 from last year and this year he’s even faster. Is Bolt really the man? Or did the right man win in the 100m?

BTW, does anyone understand the diamond league? I think they went from bad (the almost impossible to win Golden League where it was one athlete against himself basically) to worse with this system (where a bunch of athletes win an “incredible trophy” and 40K without anyone understanding how they accumulated the points).

I think no fan is really willing to take the time to understand how the hell the points are assigned, plus the fact that very few athletes are participating in all the events. I hope some day someone introduces something simple and understandable and appealing to the normal track fan.

amazing! if he would get a decent start for sprinter and that would be wr

Wow dix had no love for blake. he pr’d and just stormed off the track

This meet was impressive.
19.26, 9.76, Jete 10.7X, Bekele takes the 10000m WL after 2 year off, 2.05m in women’s HJ. Poor Sally Pearson in the 100mH. Two 22m shot putters also.

I wonder what effect this might have on MVP athletes going over to the Racers.

Bolt ran the most raggedy-ass 9.7 in history. His first 10m was horrible, he stood up and seemed to panic a bit before relaxing and pulling away in the last half.

Highlights a number of things.

  1. that if you train with the best in the world you can compare yourself to them on a daily basis. Confodence is then developed because you know where you are at. Much like the days of Greene and Bolden. When your bench mark for every session is the WR holder it can’t help but lift the standard.

  2. When someone is running past you i.e. Dix you try god damn hard not to let them get away and you PB.

  3. That the 4 x 100m relay world record is a good 0.5-1.0s from where it should be and will probably be after London. When you consider the countries that have no sprinters who can break 10.2s let alone 10.1s and can run low 38s the 37.0 is well can we say ordinary.

  4. When you have successful people pushing the enevelope together then new standards are possible. In some countries there is no belief as there simply are no tangible role models.

  5. No doubt sub 19s is coming. I can’t believe I am writing that!!!

I wonder what Blake’s split was for the 2nd 100m!!! How close was it to 9.0s. that would be faster than most peoples flying relay splits…outstanding.


So when do we get that started?

Yes these relationships really benefit the up and coming athlete who has nothing to lose. For the established athlete every ‘loss’ (incl. in training) is a dissappointment.
It may not be in the best interest of Bolt to continue this training setup. Michael Johnson offered the same critique of Boldon years ago.


Any splits available for Blake…especially his last 100m?

You think he relaxed in that race? i dont

Bolts start never used to be this bad, I’m not sure what happened to him since Berlin and Beijing. He had it figured out, in the lead at 30m. That injury and easy 2010 must of taken its toll. He’ll be back strong next year though

Anyone else think that this will trigger bolt to put the laziness aside and put in 100% effort into his training? Something he didnt quite do this year…

Now if there is somee way powell and gay could be 100% for the olympic finals… we’ll have the fastest 100m of all time.

I think so. this may cause a civil war in the training camp. Bolts hug at the meet didnt look to sincere. lol Bolt likes to party and drink. Yohan likes to train. I have heard that blake had been giving bolt the bizness at practice. Blake gonna start tapping into bolts money if he doesnt watch out. Gay and powell better get right if not they will be in for it. Soon the two fastest humans will be training with each other. Think of the comp level at that practice. Gay and asafa better not do any ducking next year. They better race the best as much as possible cause bolt and yohan will be racing the best everyday.