Friday, August 7th, 2010- Clark Field, UT
Speed workout:
buildups 1x10, 1x20, 1x30 flats, 1x10, 1x20, 1x30 spikes
3x30m accelerations (4 mins rest)
3x40m accelerations (5 mins rest)
2x flying 40m with 25m run-in
Smith machine parallel squat: 1x6x225lbs, 1x5x225lbs, 1x4x225lbs
Jump squats: 3x6x20lbs dumbbells
Smith machine bench 1x6x205lbs, 1x5x205lbs, 1x4x205lbs
Explosive throws-
3x5x 12 lbs medball squat throws (vertical)
This session felt great while I was doing it. My coach took some video, so I was able to see some stills of what I was doing right. I got some high quality accelerations in. On the two 40m accelerations I was extending fully and engaging my glutes, as opposed to rushing my steps and not fully pushing through. In addition, my back / shin angles were pretty good (still far from perfect), but I wasn’t letting my shins open up too much which is my classic accel idiot move.
The flying 40’s were pretty routine- or so I thought at the time. They were on what may be a very slight downhill grade- it’s not even really “downhill”, it’s more like a 1 or 2 degree slope at Clark Field.
This workout was one of those examples of where you feel fine doing it, but the next day it hits you. I was DESTROYED on Saturday morning, my lower body was stiffer than stiff. There was a lot of soreness in the glutes, and a bit in the upper hamstrings. I was scheduled for some therapy, but my coach was out of town, and my friend from San Antonio was in town for the weekend, so I basically didn’t do much at all to get rid of the stiffness. Saturday and Sunday were basically off-days. We ate a bit too much on Sunday night at Guero’s. Their chicken tacos are the best I’ve had in a while, but I stupidly filled up on rice and beans, then went to Hey Cupcake! and totally overdid it on an overly large (but nothing some Betty Crocker cake mix couldn’t equal) vanilla frosted cupcake.
Big mistake! I was ridiculously full, and my stomach was still bugging me all the next day and into Tuesday. We had eaten pretty well all weekend too, but I lost it Sunday night and kind of screwed myself over. I really need to work on controlling my impulses when it comes to food. It’s a struggle.