Atletiek's Training Journal

Danelle, Sumari and Talitha all had their 300mH qualifyers today. All did well, Danelle ran a 48, and Talitha and Sumari low 49’s.

Danelle also qualified for the 90mH.

I will post the final results tomorrow.

The results from out state champs:

Danelle (14 yrs) - u/14 100m 1st 13.02
Danelle (14 yrs) - u/15 90mH 4th 14.13
Danelle (14 yrs) - u/15 300mH 5th 49.23 (48.02 in prelims)
Danelle have been selected for the state (Boland) team.

Sumari (14 yrs) - u/14 400m 2nd 63.22
Sumari (14 yrs) - u/15 300mH 7th 49.34

Talitha (15 yrs) - u/15 400m 4th 63.32
Talitha (15 yrs) - u/15 300mH 4th 49.02

Charia (17 yrs) - u/17 400mH 3rd 65.34
Charia have been selected for the state (Boland) team.

I am fairly happy with the weekend’s results. Talitha and Sumari both just missed out on selection for the state team, I feel a bit for them, but they are still young and will get a chance next year.

The times are all slower than I hoped, but the conditions where not great, 35ºC with a very strong wind. I am generally happy with my first stint as a long sprints/hurdles coach, I have learned a lot from the mistakes I’ve made.

This coming week I will be working with Danelle and Charia as well as one of my triple jumpers who is also in the provincial team, I will keep the log updated.


Danelle, Charia and Lizelle (a triple jumper I coach) have all made the provincial team to the interprovincials this weekend. The rest of the group is on atcive rest for a couple of weeks.

Today Danelle had the day off and Charia did:
3 x flying 30m
3 x accel runs over 20m
4 x block starts over one hurdle

High CN, but a good session.


Today’s session:

Danelle (90mH and 100m)
3 x 30m accel runs
2 x 3 x starts over one hurdle

Charia (400mH)
1 x flat 400m (We tried 613 mg sodium citrate loading with her, it worked a charm)
4 x 150m build-up then 3 hurdles in final bend

All done on grass

WED 09 MAR 2006

Charia (400mH) had a good CNS intensive session. She did:

3 x flying 30m
3 x block starts @ 100%
1 x last hurdle @ 100%
1 x last 2 hurdles @ 100%
1 x last 3 hurdles @ 100%
1 x last 4 hurdles @ 100%

My athlete’s ended the season as follows:

Provincial champ 100m, 3rd 90mH and 3rd 300mH, she also got selected for the provincial team, which participated in an interprovincial meeting, where she finished 5th and 7th (a bit disappointing, but she’s still only 14 years old.)
SB 100m: 12.79
SB 300mH: 46.76
SB 90mH: 14.13

3rd in the 400mH at provincial champs, she also got selected for the provincial team, which participated in an interprovincial meeting, where she finished 4th.
SB 400mH: 64.34

2nd in the 400m at the provincial champs. She was too young to qualify for the provincial team.
SB 400m: 63.24
SB: 300mH: 47.43

4th in the 400m at the provincial champs and 4th in the 300mH.
SB 400m: 63.45
SB 300mH: 47.45

They are all resting at the moment and training will resume on the 19th of March.

The girls all had two and a half weeks rest and have been dying to get back on the track. This week should have started on Monday, but we had two pubic holidays and all the girls went home for the long weekend.

This week and the next two are transition weeks. I put this in since it is school holiday in a week’s time, so the GPP only starts when they are all back.

I’ll be following three programs, a 400m/400mH program with a sprint rather than an endurance focus, a pure sprints program and a horizontal jumps program. These are the three groups that I coach.

The jumpers are doing the same transition as the short sprinters.


Mixed Warm-up

4 x 150m @ 90%
Rest: 8min, 8min, 2min
Times: 21s, 21s, 22s, 24s

Mixed Warm-down

Hot-cold showers


Mixed Warm-up

6 x 4 Alternate leg bounding + jump into sandpit

10 x 100m
Rest: 30 sec
Times: 18s

10 min rest

10 x 100m
Rest: 30 sec
Times: 18s

Mixed Warm-down

Hot-cold showers

TRN 1-5 (Max Velocity Session)

Mixed Warm-up

1 of 4 X 20m sprints at max speed from flying start with 4 min rest in between (stabilizers during rest periods)

3 of 40 X Medicine ball throws (do not throw max effort)

1 of 6 X Hip mobility drill over 8 hurdles with

1 of 6 X Mini-bounces in sand (Done barefoot)

1 of 1 X 30m walk on toes as high as possible (Done barefoot)

1 of 1 X 30m walk on heels as high as possible (Done barefoot)

1 of 1 X 30m walk on toes as high as possible with toes pointed out (Done barefoot)

1 of 1 X 30m walk on heels as high as possible with toes pointed out (Done barefoot)

1 of 1 X 30m walk on toes as high as possible with toes pointed in (Done barefoot)

1 of 1 X 30m walk on heels as high as possible with toes pointed in (Done barefoot)

Mixed Warm-down

TRN 1-6 (Tempo Day)

6 x 4 Alternate leg bounding + jump into sandpit

10 x 100m
Rest: 30 sec
Times: 18s

10 min rest

10 x 100m
Rest: 30 sec
Times: 18s

Mixed Warm-down

Hot-cold showers

TRN 1-7 (Speed Endurance)

Mixed Warm-up

6 x 150m @ 90% (All timed)
Rest: 5 min
Times: 21s

Mixed Warm-down

Hot-cold showers

TRN 1-8 (Tempo)

I am off to our National Junior Championships, I have a triple jumper competing. There will be no formal training until Monday. The girls will be doing Tempo’s today and on Saturday.

GPP 1-1 (Max Velocity)

Mixed Warm-up

1 set of 4 reps of 20m @ 100% from flying start
3 set of 40 reps of medicine ball throws (do not throw max effort)
1 set of 6 reps of hip mobility drill over 8 hurdles
1 set of 6 reps of mini-bounces in sand (Done barefoot)
1 set of 1 reps of 30m walk on toes as high as possible (Done barefoot)
1 set of 1 reps of 30m walk on heels as high as possible (Done barefoot)
1 set of 1 reps of 30m walk on toes as high as possible with toes pointed out (Done barefoot)
1 set of 1 reps of 30m walk on heels as high as possible with toes pointed out (Done barefoot)
1 set of 1 reps of 30m walk on toes as high as possible with toes pointed in (Done barefoot)
1 set of 1 reps of 30m walk on heels as high as possible with toes pointed in (Done barefoot)

Mixed Warm-down

GPP 1-2 (Exercise Tempo + Weights)

Mixed Warm-up

3 sets of 8 reps of Hang Pull (warm-up, do not try to increase weight)
3 sets of 10 reps of Barbell Rear Lunges (stand up and step back with one leg to lunge – stay stable.)
3 sets of 10 reps of Barbell Deadlift (from bent leg position.)
4 sets of 10 reps of Barbell Upright Row (stand tall while lifting bar up to under chin)
4 sest of 10 reps of Barbell Bench press
3 sets of 20 reps of Weighted Twisting Crunches focusing on upper abs
4 sets of 10 reps of Barbell Military Press

1 set of 5 reps of 4 Bounds and jump into sand with 3 min rest between jumps.
1 set of 5 reps of Standing long jumps

2 set of 10 reps of 100m from flying start in 16s. Have 30s rest between each rep with 10 min between sets.

Mixed Warm-down

Hot-Cold Showers

NB: Do the weights before the running

GPP 1-3 (Speed Endurance)

Mixed Warm-up

1 set of 3 reps of 60m hills with 40m run and 20m bounded
1 set of 4 reps of 60m hills with 40m run and 20m bounded
1 set of 5 reps of 60m hills with 40m run and 20m bounded

1 set of 4 reps of 30m sled-pull with 7½ kg weight, done on the track

NB: All done as close to 90% as possible. All with walkback recovery and 5 minutes rest between sets.

1 set of 2 reps of 150m @ 90% for time

Mixed warm-down

GPP 1-4 (Weights + Tempo)

Mixed Warm-up

3 sets of 8 reps of Supermans
3 sets of 8 reps of Hang Pull
4 sets of 10 reps of Barbell Squats (2 x front, 2 x back)
3 sets of 10 reps of Pull-ups
3 sets of 20 reps of Weighted Twisting Crunches focusing on upper abs

1 set of 5 reps of 4 Bounds and jump into sand with 3 min rest between jumps.
1 set of 5 reps of Standing long jump

4 sets of 10 reps of Flying 60m (30s rest between each rep with 5 min between sets.)

Mixed warm-down

Hot-cold showers

GPP 1-5 (Rest Day)

Slow jog for 3km

Static stretching (20min)

GPP 1-6 (Plyo + Weights)

Mixed Warm-up

1 set of 5 reps of 4 Bounds and jump into sand with 3 min rest between jumps.
2 set of 8 reps of Platform Depth Jump
2 set of 8 reps of Long Depth Jump
2 set of 8 reps of Vertical Depth Jump
2 set of 8 reps of Box Jumps
2 set of 8 reps of German Hurdle Jumps
2 set of 8 reps of Box Jump March

3 set of 8 reps of Hang Pull (warm-up, do not try to increase weight)
4 set of 8 reps of Barbell Step-up
4 set of 15 reps of Weighted Back Extension
4 set of 15 reps of Reverse Hypers
1 set of 4 reps of 30s running arms with 1 min rest
3 sets of 20 reps of Medicine Ball Sit-ups

Mixed Warm-down

GPP 1-7 (Tempo)

Mixed-warm up

3 sets of 4 reps of Flying 150m (60s rest between each rep with 10 min between sets.)

Mixed warm-down