This site is a whole lot better when people say what they think. This is one of the best threads so far because someone has actually disagreed with Charlie and had the courage to back it up, even in spite of the usual leaping to his defence.
One of the problems of championing and making money from a system is that anything that disagrees with it is assumed a threat, wrong or somehow justified and incorporated within it. Furthermore everyone’s problems can be solved by this system. On this occasion it happens to be that Asafa’s big races would be fine with Charlies preperation.
Don’t get me wrong I like the ideas, which is why I visit here but I cannot ignore the mass of either experience or research that I’m exposed too. eg : A significant study (think it was post atlanta) covering 200-300 olympians found that physical preperation was only one of a multitude of different factors that had an effect on an athletes confidence. Suprising findings eh ?
Anyway happy jousting, for the record Sevastacrator I’m in agreement with you. Lets have more of this, questioning is a good thing.
By definition, forums are an invitation for disagreement. Sites specifically designed for sales and promotion of a system don’t have them and they certainly don’t provide the content found here for free.
That said, it’s no surprise that one who disagrees may be disagreed with in turn.