Yeah! But there are millions of average people walking the streets with far lower bodyfat %'s than 10-12% (of an athlete). I reckon there are leaner people (mainly women) just in Hollywood & there fascination with weight, than in the Tour De France. You can bet your bottom $, you will find well over 180 people in LA leaner than a professional peleton.
Any Tom, Dick & Harry can get lean & have low body fat, its all on them. Over a lengthier time, you can just walk the dog & cut calories. If you want to become lean, you don’t need to an athlete.
Obviously its easier to lose weight with higher activity levels, but there is more than one way to skin a cat.
Walk into a big city & you will find many more leaner people than a lot of elite athletes at a combine. Walk through Beijing, there is more meat on a butchers pencil than literally 50% of the female population.