APOD: sombrero galaxy

Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons, covered in ice with cracks running sometimes from pole to pole!:eek:

KK -Looks like one of your eyes after a night out!

Oops, sorry, wrong picture. I’ll find the correct one…:smiley:

Explanation: Every eleven years, our Sun goes through a solar cycle. A complete solar cycle has now been imaged by the sun-orbiting SOHO spacecraft, celebrating the 12th anniversary of its launch yesterday. A solar cycle is caused by the changing magnetic field of the Sun, and varies from solar maximum, when sunspot, coronal mass ejection, and flare phenomena are most frequent, to solar minimum, when such activity is relatively infrequent. Solar minimums occurred in 1996 and 2007, while the last solar maximum occurred in 2001 Pictured above is a SOHO image of the Sun in extreme ultraviolet light for each year of the last solar cycle, with images picked to illustrate the relative activity of the Sun.

Human brain neuron travelling freely through Cosmos, hinting the philosophy of human formation and evolution through the Big Bang Theory.
All rights reserved :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, I saw that last night walking home from my local … Big Brain Theory did you say?

Most the guys coming out of the bar are also dwelling on the Big Bang Theory and how it might apply to the rest of the evening, but I suspect there isn’t much neurological processing going on!

That’s below the belt Charlie!




Pretty amazing to know we’re all made of the same stuff as, for instance, that Crab Nebula above. As Carl Sagan said: “We are all star stuff”! :slight_smile:

Cosmic man