Angry Coach

Yep, Mike Conley and Mike Powell too. Randy Huntington, who was coaching Powell when he set the WR etc in 91, said Mike “always considered himself a basketballer who could jump”. At least hoops takes care of your plyometrics.

There is nothing wrong with Basketball. It is a pure power sport. HOWEVER, the training for basketball in high school is not condusive to power, or speed. Lines, beep tests and plyos till you drop dead are not good for a developing athlete.

Agreed, I know SO many female basketball players who have had stress fractures or other lower leg injuries from too much running and or too many plyos.

what am i missing here?

He ruptured his achilles playing basketball in 1998(I believe that was the year…)

If you’re not used to all the pivoting and jumping, somethings gonna give.

Its not something he just jumped into, he’d been playing for years. So there must have been more to it.

It was a fluke, but as you get older, I for one can attest to,these things happen…

Here is the update: She quit track and is now training for volleyball (still with me…fewf, at least I know it was the sport and not me). It works out well because the training will focus on shorter distances and lots of explosive power, so that in a few years if she wants to go back in track she will be in good shape for it still.