Andy Roddick hit the track to revitalise tennis career

No diffference to Andy Murrey. He does track training all the time.

Charlie has been telling me about the benefits of linear sprint training for sports like tennis for years. Finally, someone is doing it. Imagine if the top skilled players started training properly.

All the “sport specific” and “functional training” dip-shits have no clue why sprinting works for the large majority of sports.

And to add insult to injury, many of the flock seem to have managed to convince themselves, and now others, that ‘quickness/agility’ maneuvers are the flavor of the month while insinuating that linear speed work is overblown.

But alas, let’s sit back and marvel at the meddling of the troglodytes who have somehow managed to make a career for themselves in the coaching industry.

Their athletes have my sympathies, however.

What’s his training like?

Total agree with you all about linear speed and tennis, and all the talk about only doing “sport specific” and "functional training” for tennis is complete BS!
I’ve been using a modified short to long CFTS model within a modified Hi/Low template as described in James Smith book with great results. I’m starting my 2nd year working for a mid-major school and we were predicted to finish last in our conference last season. We finished tied for 2nd, and one player who played no higher than the number 5 for the last 2 years finial moved up to the 2nd spot, made 3rd team all-conference and finished tied for 1st on the team with 12 wins!
With regards to “sport specific (agility/quickness)” and "functional training”, I was doing 2-days of linear work, with 1 day of COD (change of direction) work. It wasn’t until about 4 week out from the start of season I flipped to a 1 day linear, and two days of COD work and saw great results in the transfer. The first two weeks were programmed COD, cone drills, line drills, etc, and the last weeks were more “sport specific” reaction type drills, while mimicking rally times and rest periods between points and sets. I was wondering if there was more effective way to implement the CFTS program with tennis?

Entirely depends on how much tennis you are playing. For top players who go to tournament after tournament, there is no need for COD work at all because that’s covered by their work on the court.

I agree for most soccer players as well who play 6-9 months a year.

Or 10.5 - 11 in some cases for an International Player

I agree, I reserve the fall and spring season itself as their COD work. I will keep plyos and explosive med ball throws, along with linear speed work at low volumes during both fall/spring seasons. Sorry for the confusion, I was talking more about the summer and winter breaks. During winter break I have 5 to 6 weeks before their true season starts. During winter break I will reintroduce COD work and increase tempo volume (no practice or games during break), decrease tempo volume as the season starts and drop COD work completely during the start of the spring season. To be more specific with my question about finding a more effective way to implement the CFTS, would it be feasible to increase linear speed work & foot touches (plyos-still keeping the overall volume low) during the fall/spring seasons during the weeks in which no matches are played on the weekends and then decrease the volume again 7-10 days before their next tournament, and continue with this cycle until conference championships and nationals if they should qualify?

i don’t see why you couldn’t follow that approach with power work but i would suggest using late COD work only to test their readiness. Set up a circuit and use the same thing throughout as your benchmark- perhaps every 10 days or so. The tennis will take care of the rest.

flavour of the month? i wish it was that short i am clashing with my new head soccer coach who says “hey i am no expert but i see everyone doing it so it must work” when i told him i dont like hurdles or ladders for speed work…

i think he answered his own question

Gday nanny, you’ll sort him out.

Remember back when Linford broke the 100m record and every coach was teaching athletes to step sideways out of the blocks.

Did I miss something? What 100m record did Linford break?

You are correct Sir.

Make that ‘the cliff the lemmings have been heading towards in recent years is…’

Perhaps he means the European one :confused:

You had to be there, he actually won the 100m at the CG’s.

Great pick up line, train with me I coach the same as Linfords coach and he broke the world record.

FYI everybody,

I’ve seen Andy Roddick do this workout a few times now. He works out at Austin High School with Lance Hooton and his group. The 300’s are tempo, as he finished a 300 right in front of me in about 46 seconds. I think the last day I saw them they were running 100-200-300 x 2 or 3.

Sounds like int tempo.

What were the rest times? This is one tempo workout I use with my soccer girls, except much more! We work up to 6-7 sets, with about 35 sec between and 1:15 between sets.

You know what, I’ll spy on their workout real good next time. I don’t think what they do is very complicated or much of a secret. I’ll count reps, distances and rest intervals and let you know.

I can say that 300m in 46 seconds off fairly short breaks is nothing to sneeze at in 100 degree heat, that’s for sure!