Aln's Training Journal (OLD)

Hola aln, como estas??? I just noticed that you ran 43 secs for the 300?? I ran that about 3 weeks ago, and I’d never done 300 in my life, coming from you, I guess that I’ve got a pretty good starting level.

And yes, if all goes well… I will see you here in Santiago at Orlando Guaita, my times keep dropping and I keep getting stronger!!!

Te veo acá para que me mires la espalda hasta cruzar la meta :wink:

Have fun, train Hard…


So much for my retirement. My retirement from the sport was short lived. I woke up today and was substantially better. We talked with my coach and yet again decided to continue but with some modifications. I’ll cut all jumps, plyo and explosive power lifts, leaving my weights to a minimum of basic exercises to maintain my strength there (front and deep squats and upper body). Tuesday’s session definitely generated this whole problem, it destroyed me and caused substantial inflamation, so we’re cutting all that off. What matters is that I do the track work well, we already know whenever I am able to retake weights seriously I’ll get up to important weights again in no time, on the other hand the track work is not expendable, if I am unable to do the track work it’s impossible to recuperate a whole GPP lost. So from now we’ll only stick to 2 or 3 basic lifts for legs, upper body weights, kinesio 5 times a week with special focus on my core strengthening and flexibility routine. I think like this we’ll be fine. We’re three weeks into the GPP and I had had no problem up to now, though I would feel some inflammation after some sessions I would recuperate by the next day, but after Tuesday I was unable to recuperate without a full day of rest. I’m not sure if it was psychological or what but today was the best hills sessions since we started doing them this GPP. I’m back :smiley: on the hills. Today, I felt like I was feeling 5 months ago when I was doing them best in the previous GPP. :smiley: Absolutely smooth and powerful from the start and just floating up the hill. Next week we begin to shorten the length and increase the intensity of the hills sessions.

Hills on medium slope
220 40.1
220 39.8
220 40.1
220 39.8
220 39.3
220 39.3
220 38.9
220 38.8
220 38.8
220 38.8

Very, very consistent session. There was significant headwind through the session, so I assume we were losing 1-2 seconds per rep because of it.

800 2:43
800 2:42
800 2:41

I experimented with a new tactic and it worked perfectly, I did the first lap a bit faster then the first to then take it easier in the second lap. In the first I went through in 1:17 1st lap, so the 2nd was in 1:26, in the second 1:16 and 1:26 and in the last 1:19 and 1:21. Target time was 2:40. I appear to have adapted the the work, this was by far the easiest they have been of the 3 times we’ve done them. I’m also recuperating very fast after each rep.

Epa! Como va ese entrenamiento? Sounds like you’re improving a lot, which is logical if you’re training well and have never trained before. If you ran low 11 with no training you’ll be under 11 next year without a doubt. We’ll see if we go to Chile, the main problem is that the scheduling doesn’t work well to go. We’ll do the first 3 stops of the Southamerican Grand Prix for sure (Mar del Plata - April 11; Rosario - April 14; and Montevideo - April 19), the main reason is that our athletes that are preselected for the relays for the Iberoamerican Games will have to go to be evaluated, they will be chosen upon their performance here and in the National Championships, so after these three tournaments we have to do a mini-loading period, because we have to peak again for June 5-6 for the Nationals. So the Orlando Guaita on May 8th isn’t a very opportune timing for us, but we’ll see, if the club pays :smiley: :smiley: no doubt we’ll be there regardless of whether we’re in top form or not.

Keep up the good work, I’ll be looking in the Chilean National Ranking for you next year!

Although I’m not fat, never have had weight problems and don’t gain weight easily I finally decided it was time to begin to eat right. In particular the fact that you could see my ribs but not my abs :stuck_out_tongue: really has been hurting my ego as of late :smiley: :smiley: . I’ve evidently gained some excess fat in the last few months and my overall functioning will certainly improve if I begin to eat right, so I’ve spent like 20 hours these last two days laying out plans for my diet.

The basic structure of my diet will be the following:
4 protein + carbs meals per day
2 protein + fats meals per day

Distributed this way:
Breakfast protein + carbs
Midmorning protein + fats
Lunch protein + carbs
Midafternoon protein + carbs
Right after track work protein + carbs (in form of malto drink and protein shake)
Night protein + fat

I know the distribution isn’t ideal, but since my gym and track work is always in the afternoon (4-9 PM or so), I’m going to need more carbs later in the day.

I’ve determined my total energy expenditure per active day is around 4600 calories, so I’m going to be aiming for an intake between 4750 and 5000 calories a day. At this intake, and considering Sunday is always rest, I’ll have a weekly surplus of 2000-3000 calories I’d estimate. Analyzing my eating habits and how I react to them I’ve concluded that I have a high insulin sensitivity, so the proportions I’ll start off with for now are 50% carbs, 35% protein and 15% fat.

My supplementation will consist of my standard multivit, creatine, glutamine, BCAA’s, protein shake and fish oil tablets.

The course of action for this week calls for :

  • I need to get my BMI determined.
  • I need to take a blood test to determine my fasted glucose and insulin levels.

In terms of supplements I need to buy.

  • I have a week’s worth of my multi-vit so I’ll need to but more.
  • I have about 900g. of creatine left from the previous GPP so I’m fine there (will begin my loading week this week with around 4-5g. per day, then drop to 2g. per day the next week)
  • I have to buy glutamine (target 4g. per day after gym work)
  • I have to buy BCAA’s (target 2g. per day after gym work)
  • I have to get the fish oil tablets (target 6-8g per day EPA and DHA)
  • I have to get a milk-isolate protein powder (30g. protein per day)
  • I have to get maltodextrin and dextrose (30g. each per day for my recovery drink)

The calculated cost per day of this supplementation: :frowning:
Multivit $55 for 60 tablets; 0.92 per day
Glutamine $130 for 300g.; 1.73 per day … expensive sh-- isn’t it?
Creatine : since I already have it I’ll pretend the cost is 0 to not get so scared with the total cost, it’s the least expensive supplement anyway.
BCAA’s $58 for 120 capsules; 0.97 per day
Dextrose $14 for 1kg; 0.42 per day
Maltodextrin : Unable to locate yet
Milk-isolate protein : Unable to locate yet
Fish oil tablets : Unable to locate yet

Heh, don’t get THAT scared with the prices, that’s in Argentine Pesos, we use the same sign as the dollar. One dollar is equivalent to around 3 Pesos.

Total up to now : 4.04 per day, $120 per month, I’ll put my budget at 5 pesos per day per month. Hopefully I can get 2 of the 3 things I haven’t been able to locate yet without going over the budget. Around US$700 per year, I can live with that if this helps me reach my goals.

As to the exact foods in my diet, I haven’t determined that yet, I have a long list of foods, this week I’ll randomly eat from that list while fulfilling the set % of macronutrients and total calorie intake and distribution, taking note in my journal of course. Then at the end of the week I’ll sit and review what I ate and see how I change it to make more sense, but the important thing is I start NOW. Gulp. :eek: Yes, I just took my last midnight sugary snack. :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: :smiley:

Since today is a holiday here I’ll have all day to finalize the details on my diet and stock up in the supermarket, though I’m not sure if my supplements store will be open.

I’m having major logistical problems finding the protein powder I want so I’ll have to compromise for now and go with standard whey, hopefully I can get that today because it’s an important part of the protein intake in the diet.

Because of the lack of supplies at the moment I had to improvise this morning. At first I thought of throwing away the 200g. pack of frosted flakes I had, but then checked it’s GI and it appears they have a reasonable GI (55), much less then pure corn flakes, so although not ideal I’ll be consuming this for the next 4 days till it’s done.

So this is what I had this morning, 7:30 AM:
50g frosted flakes
2 empanadas (no idea what they are called in english or if they even exist outside south america, they are these things with a crusty covering filled with meat, raisins, eggs and olives, I just realized they are going to constitute a great protein meal in my diet, no idea what the exact macronutrient content is, I have to ask my mom how much of each thing goes into each, for the moment I’ll assume each one is 25g).
Total guesstimated macronutrient content:
Frosted flakes : 2.5 protein/43g. Carbo/0 fat
Empanadas : .5g. protein/10g. carbo/327.5 fat
Total content : 35/53/7.5
Total calories : What’s a calorie? Lol. I’m not sure I’m ready to calculate that yet, I think for this week, unless it’s on the package of what I eat I’ll won’t calculate this, I’ll go by rough amounts and make sure the macronutrient content is right.

My midmorning snack will be:
20g. roquefort cheese with two crackers and a cup of orange juice
No idea about the content of any of these at the moment, I threw the package of the crackers away, no idea about the other two, but I can guarantee that cheese has all the fat I need :smiley: .
Current guesstimate for this food:
For simplicity from now on I’ll use protein/carbo/fat grams as standard notation.

Boy, I see this will be a long week, calculating all these contents, but I guess this is the required hard work to get my diet under control, by next week I’ll already have the values figured out.

I finally found the milk-protein isolate, I didn’t know what it was called in spanish, that’s all, it seemed weird I couldn’t find it.

After seeing it’s content I’ve decided to throw the BCAA’s away, this stuff already has way more BCAA’s then I would get in some capsules. I’m binning glut for the moment, I think the protein powder alone will make a huge difference, and the cost is getting kind of high too.

So if the supplements store is open today I’ll get
Multivit $55 for 60 tablets; 0.92 per day
Dextrose $14 for 1kg; 0.42 per day
Maltodextrin : see if there is any
Milk-isolate protein : $30 for 500g.; 2.4 per day, I’m buying a small case because I’ve been told it tastes awful, if I can handle the taste I’ll buy a 2kg case which reduces the cost to 1.88 per day, at that cost I could spend on an extra supplement if needed.

Total up to now : 3.74 per day, Pesos 112 per month.

Absolutely excellent work today. Done in pouring rain.

Hurdles Mobility

300 44.2
300 43.7
200 26.8
200 27.1
200 27.2
150 20.3
150 20.1
150 20.2
150 20.4

My lunch consisted of a can of sardines with 8 crackers.

Afternoon snack was 2 pieces of brown bread.

Night meal was 100g. chicken breast with squash 30g. and carrots 15g.

Hmmm. Don’t have time to sit right now and calculate the exact proportions of macronutrients. Anyway I had to improvise all day long with what I had available. Tomorrow I’ll go to the supermarket and stock up on everything necessary and have my protien powder and gluc for my recovery drink. I probably ate way less then 5000 calories to eat right because I didn’t have anything appropriate to eat. At least we’re through one disciplined day, after a week or two I’ll have the hang of what’s going on and how much of what is in each food. The important and hard thing seems to get started and past the initial confusion.

Not much to say about this day. I was supposed to do 8x150m. weighted sled with 15kg. but the weighted sled in the National High Performance center is useless, so I couldn’t do anything.

Then went to the gym to at least do something.

Body weight at the beginning of the session 66.5 kilos. That’s my lowest weight in over half an year I think, which is worrying me. Now that I’m on creatine and going to begin weights at full speed I’ll probably gain a few kilos in the next 3 or so weeks.

Deep squat
2x8 60kg
2x6 70kg
2x4 80kg

Front squat
1x8 50kg
1x8 60kg
2x6 65kg
1x4 70kg
1x4 75kg

What I’m noticing doing weights is that my core strength is really limiting me. My legs are really feeling ready to increase the weights to what I was doing before, but from 70kg up I feel like my core is having a hard time stabilizing my trunk. I guess we’ll have to keep being patient, as of now I’m doing the following routine for my core:
Day 1
Hanging Leg Raises (trunk flexion, lower RA), 3 x 6
Back Extensions with Weight (trunk extension), 3 x 10
Standing Cable Crunches, 3 x 8 (trunk flexion, upper RA)
Vacuums (compression), 3 x 10 second holds

Day 2
Russian Twists on Ball, 3 x 8 (rotation)
Side Bends, 3 x 8 (lateral flexion)
Dead Bug Twist (stabilization), 2 x 30 seconds

I’m moving my nutrition info into my own journal in my computer, I don’t think it’s appropriate for this thread. I’m also tracking my sleep hours and exact times I’m eating what, to see what patterns emerge and what can be done better.

I bought dextrose, maltodextrin and milk isolate protein today.

Lat pulldowns
2x8 40kg
2x6 45kg
2x4 50kg

Row, wide grip
1x8 25kg
1x8 30kg
2x6 35kg
2x4 40kg

Dips without weight

Pullups (triceps)

Shoulder press
1x8 10kg
1x8 15kg

Hanging leg raise
3x6 (no weight)

Back extension
2x10 (no weight)

1x8 no weight
1x8 2.5kg
1x8 5kg

Vacuums 3x10secs

Notable things are that I’m feeling strong in the upper back exercises, I’ll increase weight there in the next session. No wonder I’m having hard time stabilizing during squats, my core strength is near zero at the moment. I couldn’t make it to the 3rd set of back extensions, after two, with no weight my e. s. was dead tired and tight.

200 28.3
200 28.1
250 36.1
250 36.2
300 46.6
300 46.1

The synthetic track was being used for some dumb tourney and we had to go due our track work in the auxiliary track at the National High Performance Center. It’s certainly the worse track in the country. The energy loss is 30%, no kidding. To make matters worse my sneakers are flat underneath, so the times were bad but the work killed me anyway. I don’t think I’ve ever accumulated so much lactic acid in my hamstrings, from slipping and uneffectively pushing off. Normally I feel the lactic acid in my quads most of all after lactic work.

December 11

Hang clean
1x8 30kg
1x6 35kg
1x4 40kg
3x4 45kg

Push press
1x8 30kg
1x6 35kg
1x4 40kg
3x4 45kg

Fast 1/4 squat
1x6 100kg
1x6 110kg
1x6 120kg
1x6 130kg
6 high box jumps after each 1/4 squat set

Biceps curls with bar
1x8 20kg
1x8 25kg
1x6 25kg
1x6 27.5kg
1x4 30kg
1x4 32.5kg

Bench press
2x8 50kg
2x6 60kg
2x4 65kg

1x8 Pullups (biceps)

We couldn’t do track work because the cinder track was closed because the rain left it all flooded. Reincorporated the olympic lifts into my routine, I think that just leaving the jumps/plyo out will be enough for the pain not to come back.

December 12
Deep squat
2x8 70kg
2x6 80kg
2x4 90kg

Front squat
2x8 60kg
2x6 70kg
2x4 80kg

Kinesio session

Hurdles mobility

150 21.4
150 21.2
150 21.0
150 21.1
150 20.6
150 21.1
150 21.0
150 21.1
150 21.0
150 21.3
150 21.6
150 21.1

Target time was 20-21, let’s see if we achieve that next time.

Lat pulldowns
2x8 45kg
2x6 50kg
2x4 55kg

Row (wide grip)
2x8 30kg
2x6 35kg
2x4 40kg

Dips (no weight)

Shoulder press
1x8 10kg
2x8 15kg

1x8 2.5kg
1x8 5kg
1x8 7.5kg

Leg raises

Back extensions

The good news is I’m still strong. I increased the weights in the squats by 10kg each set and still felt like I’m messing around, which is good. I thought I had lost a lot of strenght, but from what I saw I can probably do around 130kg deep squat right now. Did the three sets of back extensions this time, man they leave my back so stiff and sore, I have zero strength there. I started with the good kinesiologist Wednesday (I couldn’t up to now because he only takes patients in the AM and I had to go to classes at that time). Right away on Wednesday I was already relieved watching this guy get to work, he’s the man (he’s the one I went to when I got through all the injuries I had in 2001-2002). Today he came in after seeing my x-rays, etc. and right away did this stretch that killed me, and right away I knew that he had found the problem. I have a major cramp in the front of my hip where it hurts not sure what runs through there, transverse abdominus, flexors? Anyway, what was completely evident is that I have such a knot that I could barely extend my hip in this stretch he was doing. And the stretching feeling was right where the whole focus of the pain is. So now I’ll be working at least 2 times a day with this stretch to untie this knot. Goddamn, I had known all along I probably had something really stupid, just never got into the right hands to treat it. Something so stupid has brought tremendous pain for months. Hopefully in the next week the pain will begin to dicipate. I think after today’s session there was already a difference. I had been feeling this major tightness in my front hip for some time now, even when just walking, and today it was clearly a notch less tight. I’m completely optimistic now, I can’t even remember what it is to be pain free, hopefully my memory will be refreshed soon.


Short (about 60m.) and steep hill untimed
4 reps with walkback rest

2x2 bounds

Normal bounds

On medium slope
220 35.8
220 36.0
220 36.5
220 35.5

Vertical jumps on steps
Onto step with tibial jump

Onto step with tibial jump, back down and tibial jump

Onto step with tibial jump, 3 tibial jumps going forward and jump onto the next step tibial jump there and then back the same way

Max verts onto walls

Bounds quick on medium incline
2x15m. approx.

On medium incline
150 24.1
150 23.1
150 24.1
150 25.0
People got in the way in the last two reps and we had to slow down.

Mixed day. Very good day at the gym. Very bad day on the track.

BW at beginning 67.800kg
Deep squat
1x8 60kg
1x6 70kg
1x4 80kg
1x4 90kg
1x4 95kg
1x4 100kg

Front squat
1x8 60kg
1x6 70kg
1x4 75kg
1x4 80kg
1x4 85kg
1x4 90kg

Leg extensions
1x8 20kg
1x6 25kg
1x4 30kg
1x4 35kg
1x4 40kg
1x4 45kg

Leg curls
1x8 10kg
1x6 15kg
1x4 20kg
1x4 25kg
1x4 30kg
1x4 35kg

Reverse press
1x8 80kg
1x6 90kg
1x4 100kg
1x4 110kg
1x4 120kg
1x4 130kg

Lat pulldowns
1x8 40kg
1x6 45kg
1x4 50kg
1x4 55kg
1x4 60kg
1x4 65kg

Row (wide grip)
1x8 25kg
1x6 30kg
1x4 35kg
1x4 40kg
1x4 45kg
1x4 50kg

Dips (no weight)

Shoulder press
1x8 10kg
1x6 15kg
1x4 20kg
1x4 25kg

Leg raises
3x6 unweighted

1x8 2.5kg
1x8 5kg
1x8 7kg

Back extension
3x10 unweighted

Hurdles mobility
300 47.6
300 44.8
200 28.6
200 28.4

The day turned horrible towards the late afternoon. There were winds over 50km/h and rain. Combined with my worn out ready to be thrown away shoes and I couldn’t do sh–. I was slipping and sliding all over the track and had zero traction. Funny thing is I had gone shopping for 2 hours looking for shoes earlier in the day, but didn’t find any, then had to abandon track work because of this. Tomorrow I’ll definitely buy the new shoes, this is limiting my training, it’s a ridiculous situation. I hate having to look around and shop, that’s why I delayed this till this was inevitable, stupid decision. From now on I’ll have at least 2 functional pairs of training shoes at all times. In the gym I felt absolutely great, in terms of lower body we won’t increase the weights more although I’m at around 130kg max deep squat I’d estimate. If we do this correctly I’ll go back up to 150-160 level by the end of January without approaching those weights till my core is ready and my injury is completely gone. in terms of upper body I was feeling damn strong, stepped it up to respectable levels in lat pulldowns, and I could have gone more. I have the green light to get huge and lift as heavy as I can in the upper body, so I’m lifting away there.

15min jog
light stretch

Walking lunge with barbell
5 box jumps with rebound after each rep

Weighted long jumps
4x8 with 40kg
2x2 bounds 30m. after each rep

Hang snatch
1x8 30kg
1x6 35kg
1x4 40kg
2x4 45kg

Hang jump shrug
1x8 40kg
1x6 45kg
1x4 50kg
2x4 60kg

Double 1/2 squat with jump
4x8 40kg
up down up box jumps x3 after each rep

Fast 1/4 squat
1x6 100kg
1x6 110kg
1x6 120kg
1x6 130kg
2x6 140kg
4 high box jumps after each set

8xaprox. 100m. weighted sled with 10kg, focus on technique

Still not doing any plyo - hurdles jumps and box jumps

Bench press
1x8 45kg
1x6 50kg
1x4 55kg
1x4 60kg
1x4 65kg
1x4 65kg

Biceps curls with bar
1x8 20kg
1x6 22.5kg
1x4 25kg
1x4 27.5kg
1x4 30kg
1x4 32.5kg
1x4 35kg (ooops, lost count of how many sets I had done)

Side bends
1x8 2.5kg
1x8 5kg
1x8 7.5kg

Russian twist
1x6 2.5kg
2x6 5kg

Going to stretch now.

Light stretch

Late AM
BW at beginning 67.500kg
Deep squat
1x8 65kg
1x6 70kg
1x4 75kg
1x4 85kg
1x4 95kg
1x4 100kg

Front squat
1x8 60kg
1x6 65kg
1x4 70kg
1x4 75kg
1x4 80kg
1x4 85kg

Leg extensions
1x8 20kg
1x6 25kg
1x4 30kg
1x4 35kg
1x4 37.5kg
1x4 40kg

Leg curls
1x8 10kg
1x6 15kg
1x4 20kg
1x4 25kg
1x4 30kg
1x4 35kg

Reverse press
1x8 80kg
1x6 90kg
1x4 100kg
1x4 110kg
1x4 120kg
1x4 130kg

Lat pulldowns
1x8 45kg
1x6 50kg
1x4 55kg
1x4 60kg
1x4 65kg
1x4 65kg

Row (wide grip)
1x8 25kg
1x6 30kg
1x4 35kg
1x4 40kg
1x4 45kg
1x4 50kg

Dips (no weight)

Shoulder press
1x8 10kg
1x6 15kg
1x4 20kg

Leg raises
3x6 unweighted

1x8 2.5kg
1x8 5kg
1x8 7kg

Back extension
3x8 unweighted

Hurdles mobility (increased to 9 hurdles from 6 I was doing up to now)
300 52.0
300 49.1
300 50.5
300 51.1
300 48.7
300 50.3
300 50.5
300 50.8
300 53.0

My CNS was fried today in the gym, so I made some modifications, cut a set off shoulder press, lowered weight a little in leg extensions, my back is feeling very stiff too, so I cut the back extensions from sets of 10 to sets of 8. On the track this session was the most irregular I’ve ever had, I couldn’t lock down the pace for even two reps in a row. Target time was 48-50. I haven’t been able to buy my new shoes yet either, the shops I’ve gone to don’t have my size for any of the models I’ve liked, the ones they have are stiff like steel, useless, I don’t see how anyone can run in most of the shoes being sold out there. So the shoes were a problem today again, but at least I was able to to the work with some repairs (pasted the sole and some parts together). Going to take a hot bath now and then stretch, I need to loosen up a bit, my back is beyond stiff.

15 min jog
Light stretch

Hang snatch
1x8 30kg
1x6 35kg
4x4 40kg

Push press
1x8 30kg
1x6 35kg
4x4 40kg

800 2:43
800 2:40
600 1:57
600 1:54

Double 1/2 squat with jump
4x8 40kg
2x8 50kg

Weighted long jumps with barbell
6x8 40kg

Bench press
1x8 45kg
1x6 50kg
1x4 55kg
1x4 60kg
1x4 65kg
1x3 70kg

Biceps curls with barbell
1x8 22.5kg
1x6 25kg
1x4 27.5kg
1x4 30kg
1x4 32.5kg
1x4 35kg


The track work was very good, but in weights I was fried at the beginning, my hang cleans and push press sucked, I had no energy. Then towards the end of the day I was feeling stronger and more activated in the double 1/2’s with jump and weighted LJ’s. Splits for 800’s : first rep 1:18 and 1:25, second rep 1:14 and 1:26, 600 : first rep 1:11, second didn’t see split.

December 19
Hurdles mobility
My left lower back then cramped up and I was unable to do the track work.

December 20
Still had the cramp, so I at least did the hills work but not the jumps.
4xshort, steep untimed
On medium slope
220 39.0
220 38.1
220 37.9
220 37.1
150 22.2
150 22.8 people in the way
150 23.8
150 24.0
The long ones were slow, it’s the first time I do the hills alone, had to work till late. I hadn’t realized how much you get pushed when you do this with the whole group, in particular I think the big difference is the last 100m. or so, I knew I was decaying a lot by the end, but I had no reference to measure myself against and thought I was doing ok. With others you keep form and intensity to the end, in the 220m. ones that makes the last 100m. 2-3 secs faster at least. This cramp is really a problem, my kinesiologist is on vacation till Jan. 5, I can’t schedule a massage anytime soon either … goddamn. I’ll just have to cross my fingers and hope it goes away. I’m eliminating all core work except lower and upper abdominals to make sure I’m not overstraining anything. I think the back extensions were part of the cause of this. Just when the damn cramping and pain I had in my abdominals is finally going away I had to come up with this.

My back is still constantly cramped. I’m missing a good massage badly. I need to get this taken care of as soon as the holidays are over. If I were going regularly to have a massage this wouldn’t even be happening, such a stupid thing stopping me from training properly makes me mad, especially now that the months old cramp and pain I had in my psoas is gone.

Couldn’t train yesterday. Only did some weights today.

Hang snatch
1x8 30kg
1x6 35kg
1x4 40kg
1x4 45kg
1x4 50kg
1x4 55kg

Hang jump shrug
1x8 40kg
1x6 45kg
4x4 50kg

Double 1/2 squat with jump
4x8 with 40kg

Bench press
1x8 40kg
1x6 45kg
1x4 50kg
1x4 55kg
1x4 60kg
1x4 65kg

Biceps curls
1x8 22.5kg
1x6 25kg
1x4 27.5kg
1x4 30kg
2x4 32.5kg

Lat pulldowns
1x8 45kg
1x6 50kg
1x4 55kg
1x4 60kg
2x4 65kg

Dips no weight

Pullups (triceps) 1x8

Shoulder press
1x8 10kg
1x6 15kg
2x4 20kg

Leg raises

1x8 2.5kg
2x8 5kg
1x8 7.5kg

Weird day. I felt strong in some exercises (bench press, hang clean) then weak in others (lat pulldowns, biceps curls). Just days I guess.

After all these months injured I finally decided to close a chapter and seek a new way. See my new journal.