Aln's Training Journal (OLD)

500 1:38
500 1:36
500 1:38
500 1:40
500 1:40
500 1:43
Lowered the average time 2 secs. compared to last week … I’m still screwing around though, next Friday I’ll do them in 1:35 average. The poor time in last one wasn’t due to me dying, the guy doing them with me did a 400 alone in his last one, so going alone I didn’t even notice I had changed the pace. On a positive note I felt great technically today, I was running smooth and in good position, I’m really beginning to be able to loosen my shoulders.

200 30
200 32.5
200 30
200 33.5
200 30
200 31.5
200 30
200 31.5
200 29.5
200 31.5

Target time was 30. We alternated doing 1 on the track with 1 on grass (odds are on track, evens on grass). We’re getting used to doing a lot of our work on grass because our track (the synthetic track in the national center for high athletic performance, the only synthetic track in Buenos Aires) is destroyed, we can’t continue doing speed work there because of the injury risk.

Inclines 5 x ~220m. (~3 mins - walk back rest) 36.5-35.5-36.0-36.0-36.5
6 mins
5 x ~120m. on slightly steeper incline (2 mins rest) 19-19-19-19.5-19.5
6 mins
5 x ~60m. on yet steeper incline (2 mins rest) 10.5-10.5-10-10-10

I felt great today, did the longest ones in 3 seconds less average time then last Monday medium ones in a second less, all with great form :clap: .

80 11.3
80 10.3
80 10.8
80 10.2
80 10.2
80 10.3
80 10.1
80 10.4

Sequenced 80’s - 90% first 30m., relax and 85% next 20m., accelerate but without modifying stride length 95% in the last 30m. I was pretty irregular and had little time so I was rushing through them and this caused me to be tense … didn’t like how I ran, tense at the shoulders. Target time was 10.2.

300 47.5
300 46.5
300 47.0
300 45.0
300 44.5
300 44.0
Geez. :o I never trained with so much wind, there must have been gusts of over 10m/s :help: the best we could do was do two curves and a straight with wind against in the first 50 and last 50. At least it was great technique practice, if you don’t hold your form in those last 50 with 10m/s headwind you won’t even get to the end. Lazy first three reps … next week I need to start in the times I’m supposed to be doing from the start. We’re beginning to decrease volume in the gym, I equalled my deep squat PB today in the series of 4 reps (after 2x8 and 2x6), when we unload and get to the series of 2 reps I’ll smash my PB from April by around 20-30kg I’d estimate. :o :slight_smile:

120 17.8
120 17.4
120 17.3
120 17.1
120 17.1
120 16.1
120 16.6
120 16.9
120 16.7
120 16.6
120 17.0
120 16.8
On grass track with sneakers. OK work, I felt pretty good, good stride length and acceleration.

Sounds like your making good progress. From the look of the June 26th workout maybe you should think about doing a more extensive warmup.

500 1:27
500 1:28
500 1:31
500 1:29
500 1:33
Finally, I took the decision, no more screwing around. :clap: Cold and rainy with soaked track and all. I felt good, we didn’t finish the last one of the last set though, everyone else I was with abandoned or had finished, no way I was doing the last one alone.

Originally posted by pete
Sounds like your making good progress. From the look of the June 26th workout maybe you should think about doing a more extensive warmup.

Indeed, you can see that in virtually every day of my journal, my warmups are terrible because I do as little as possible as a warmup because if not I’ll inflame my periostitis before I even get on the track! Not much I can really do about it, I end up really warming up after one or two reps. Cutting down on warmups and warmdowns combined with therapy is having it’s effect, at least I’m being able to complete all the work and the periostitis isn’t as bad as it was 6 months ago where it got to a point where it was seriously hindering my acceleration.

mmmmmmm good training.

Sometimes i think warmups can be too long. My coach makes us, jog around twice, then go thorugh knees, heels, side steps. Runing back wards and all that!

sometimes i think all it takes is a jog around ,and stretches.

200 29
200 29.5
200 30.5
200 30
200 30.5
200 32.0
200 30.5
200 30
200 30.0
200 29.5

Target time was 30, did 2 on track then 1 on grass. My left calf was rock solid, I couldn’t move it, I have no idea how I did 10 reps in the time I was assigned in these conditions. I only really liked the last 3, maybe there my calf finally loosened up a bit.

Inclines 5 x ~220m. (3 mins rest) 38.0-36.0-37.5-36.0-39.5
6 mins
5 x ~120m. on slightly steeper incline (2 mins rest) 20.0-19.5-19.0-20.5-20.5
6 mins
5 x ~60m. on yet steeper incline (2 mins rest) 10.5-10.0-9.5-9.5-9.0

Great work, I felt great today, I was so smooth and powerful going up those hills, I could have done 2 secs less in the long ones, 1 sec less in the medium ones and still have been fine. The only bad thing today was that there was a lot of people on the hill and in 3 of the long ones we virtually had to stop to run around some people, but we were on 36 pace in all of them, in the medium ones we were running in a group of 10 so I had to work in under my time because the guys in front of me were too slow, but it doesn’t matter I focused on form. I’ve never felt like this in a volume period, I feel like I’m really fast RIGHT NOW, that I could run a fast 100 or 200 right now, when in previous loading periods my muscles and CNS was so overloaded it would take me weeks or months to unload and get fast once the volume work was over. I’m very optimistic about the upcoming competition period, if I keep feeling like this I’ll be at around 6.7 60m. I’d estimate … and in a position to break 11 and 22 electronic :sing: . The most notable change is in my upper body, I feel like I’ve finally loosened up, like my arms and shoulders are finally totally relaxed and helping me when I run … this feeling has been growing for the past 2-3 weeks, it’s like I turned a corner techniquewise from one day to another. :clap: Now let’s see how I feel in 4 more weeks, then I’ll make more predictions, but right now I can’t believe what’s happening, I can already see myself running a relaxed and fast 100 or 200, it’s like since I started track seriously an year ago I had been running in a borrowed body, now I’m beginning to feel and know my body.

60 8.2
60 8.0
60 7.9
60 7.9
80 10.6
80 10.4
80 10.2
60 7.9
60 7.8
60 7.9
60 7.9
80 9.9
90 secs
80 10.3

I worked on a track I had never worked on, it sucked, it was all sandy and soft and caused a huge loss in energy. On a decent track the 60’s would have been around 7.7 and the 80’s around 10.0, but I would accelerate and reach the appropriate speed to be on pace for those times in the first 30m. then the next 20 I would lengthen my stride to the maximum and the last 30 (in particular in the 80’s) there was nothing I could, the energy loss to the track was terrible and led to a slowing down. Anyway, it was an interesting experience to train on that track, it could be useful in the future if we need somewhere where we need to battle to keep speed and stride length constant to the end, lol it was probably like using a weighted sled with 2.5kg I’d estimate, the equivalent of energy that I was losing.

This was the weights work before the track …
Hang snatch
2x8 30kg
2x6 40kg
2x4 45kg
Push press
1x8 40kg
1x6 50kg
2x4 55kg
Front squat (each set followed by 6 box jumps with bounce)
1x8 70kg
1x8 75kg
2x6 80kg
1x4 90kg
1x4 95kg
Walking lunge with barbell
4x20m. with 70kg
4x40m. with 55kg
Weighted sled on slight incline (probably around 5 degrees)
4x60m. with 15kg
Box jumps (box around 110cm. high)
Weighted long jumps (we have these sausage like things that weigh about 15kg)
2x2 bounds (2 bounds with each leg alternating)
4x4 bounds (4 bounds with each leg alternating)
Double 1/2 squat
3x8 80kg
1x8 90kg
1/2 squat with jump
1x8 35kg
3x8 40kg

Comments? :o Lol, I feel like an alien when I look at what you other guys are doing, but my coach’s philosophy seems quite different. The volumes we do seem insane compared to what most of your journals have, but hey, here I am, proof that you can do this and recuperate satisfactorily and not get injured doing this. :smiley:

300 47
300 48.5
300 44
300 45
300 45.5
300 45.5

Disastrous first set, we were in a huge group and the guys leading my lane screwed up completely in the times, in the last two sets I led my lane and pulled us into the times … but we wasted a whole set … needless to say it made me mad :mad: :mad: :mad:

Bummer first set - anyone available to call out ur splits ?

On grass track.

120 16.0
120 16.0
120 15.8
120 15.6
120 15.8
120 15.8
120 16.1
120 16.0
120 16.0

We worked a lot on technique of the first 30 or so m., keeping the chin down and the torso not popping up, etc. I felt uncomfortable for the first 70 or so meters because of this, but the last 50 I felt very smooth and finally relaxed. A good days work. :slight_smile:

Originally posted by gloopzilla
Bummer first set - anyone available to call out ur splits ?

I hate worrying about splits, I just go out and run relaxed, if I’m worrying about my watch or the pace I don’t feel relaxed, it makes me nervous. Anyway, once you’re through 100 or 200 meters and you’re on pace for 48.x it’s a huge expenditure of energy to try and rectify such an error, 1 or 2 seconds off you can correct but not 4 seconds off, heck if we passed the first 200 in 32 to rectify it in the last 100 we would need to do it in 12.x, and this is only supposed to be 80% work.

500 1:31
500 1:31
500 1:33
500 1:32
500 1:34
500 1:32
Damn, I felt smooth, I could have done them all well in 2-3 seconds average less, anyway, I put in the volume and felt very relaxed and strong in the last 200 in particular, that’s what matters. My upper body technique has improved so much I can’t believe it, all this smooth feeling I’m getting is because of it. :clap:

These are probably the last 500’s of this GPP, the next 3 weeks we probably do 500-500-500-400-400-300 or something like that as a transition to higher intensities and then we begin to do faster work (250 and under).

July 5
200 28.7
200 28.5
200 28.5
200 28.8
200 28.8
200 29.5
200 28.5
200 28.3
200 27.9
200 27.5
200 27.5
200 27.7
Target time was 27.5-28.5, I’m glad I started in the top range and worked down towards the end, 1/2 the people abandoned after doing one or two 27 flats in the first two sets and dying.

July 6

July 7
Inclines 5 x ~100m. changes of pace on the 120m. incline (85% first 40m., 80% next 30m., 90% last 30m.) (2 mins rest) 16.5-16.5-16.0-16.0-15.0
6 mins
Inclines 5 x ~220m. (3 mins rest) 35.0-37.5-37.0-36.0-37.5 (lots of pedestrians causing problems in this incline, they were probably all in 35.5-36.0 pace)
6 mins
5 x ~120m. on slightly steeper incline (2 mins rest) 17.0-16.0-16.5-16.5-16.0 :eek: (wow!)
I never felt so strong on the hill as I did today, the last set was beyond incredible, I didn’t feel any fatigue or agitation, I felt so powerful and smooth and relaxed (and that’s what everyone watching me said), I decreased the average time from the last weeks 3 secs! 20%, and in the last set without problems - gawd I wish I felt like this in all the work.

July 8
60 7.8 (ooops! lol I forgot that despite the wind I actually had to accelerate a few steps)
60 6.8 (lol! best 60 of the year)
60 7.0
60 7.0
80 9.2 (roflmao! … wind rules)
80 9.3
80 9.5
60 7.3
60 7.3
60 7.1
60 7.0
80 9.6
80 9.6

Geez!! What an insane day, there was like 5 m/s wind in favor … I later I concluded, but too late, I should have done the first two sets against the wind and the last two with wind in favor … that way I would have had some parameters of how I actually worked … I can’t conclude anything from this as is … my assigned times were 90% (7.5 in the 60’s, 9.8 in the 80’s) but the times were insane, I think I could have done a 6.2 or 6.3 max! That 6.8 was faster then my 60m. PB from early this year (6.9). Anyway, a session to remember - fun, fun, fun! - lol. These last two days have been my two best training sessions ever, heh, of course the speed work was a little :smiley: assisted but the hills were also beyond excellent.