Aln's new training journal

Did weights again today, no track. Wanted to do a submax track session, but couldn’t fit it in my schedule.

Finally competed. 12.38, don’t know what the wind was. I’m pretty happy with the time, and how I ran. Lol, and I even improved that 12.48 from my only comp last year.

I felt really good in the blocks and my start was good, I was in the pack for 30 or 40m. then, predictably, everyone ran over me. Actually, I hit a wall, like I had never hit in a competition or training session ever. At 80m. I had a major decline in speed, and at 95m. I was trying to get a lean in and almost lost my balance, I was totally out of legs. Zippo speed endurance. I lost half a second in the last 20m., at least. So that makes me very optimistic. With a focus on speed endurance in the next month, I’ll be under 12 easy. I wouldn’t be surprised if I can close the year 11.80-11.90. So now, officially, my goal is to run under 12 before the year is out (I’ll probably have 2 or 3 more 100’s).

Tomorrow running 200m. I’m actually pretty worried. I just hope I can make it without falling, I can’t imagine running 100 more meters then I did today.

Did weights today. No comp. The 200m. was at 10:00 and I’m 2 hours away from the track, just couldn’t get myself up at 6AM on a Sunday to run in 24.xx or 25.xx.

Thinking about what I’ll do on the track this week. I think I’ll do a session of 3 or 4 x 120m. and for the other session I’m thinking about 80’s or 150’s.

Wind was (+0.1). I was 36th out of 53 in the 100m. Haha. Thank gawd I’m not last.

Weights today, I’m definitely on track with weights now. I expect to move up quickly to some type of semi decent strength level.