Ahmed Zidouri's Training Journal

My training age is one month and I donno i find the leg press work the mucsle more than an improper squat aint it??
medicineball?I dont have them so…
corework?what do you mean I just do pushups,situps…

I dont care about those gurls by the way,I will go slowly and surly

lol man, i dont care about em either, i just wanted to illustrate the deal.

sooner or later, u will forget about this nasty feeling, and you will improve ur squat too

Today Strenth & Acc

I did two laps around 1\2 the soccer field,strech…
7*30m with 3-4min recovery my best was 4.1. :slight_smile:

Than the Strength training :

Leg Press:
3*10 @70kg

210 @42.5kg
10 @45kg

Leg Curl :
3*10 @25kg

Military press:
3*10 @ (22,22,22)kg

Barbell reverse curl:
3*10 @ (27,27,27)kg

Wide grip pull down:
3*10@ (110,120,120)lbs

I did two laps,strech…
4*60m with 3-4min recovery my best was 7.5 :frowning: .
Did some 10s too most of them 1.82 and two of them were 1.70 and 1.79.

Than the Strength training :

3*10 @45kg

Military press:
3*10 @ (22,22,22)kg


Leg Press:
3*10 @70kg(I felt a pain on my head I think all the blood went down to my legs,I was so close to the thing so it was like deep squat,any ways I stopped after this…)

…Stupid week…

What kind of shoes do you wear during training? Speed work? Tempo work? This being your first journal, I recomend recording as much as you can. Heart rate, water consumed, what shoes you worked out in. Little things like that. I don’t have all that stuff on my CF journal, because I use Nikerunning.com for all of the details. Nike’s got good setup, the defalts mainly geared towards distance runners, but every little bit is customizeable. (And it’s in a number of different languages)

adidas caution for tempo
adidas cosmos for speed(I think it is a mid distance spike but thats all i can find here)

Ahh, a man after my own heart. Adidas are the nizzle


Pain in the knee.

Yao Happy New Year(kindda late)
Any ways I am BACK!

I did 2 laps warmup,streched…
Than split runs 2550m walkback reps, 15min sets.
All of them were like 6.1,6.2,6.3
At last I timed another one, It was 6.31 FAT equivalent. :slight_smile:

Than to the weight room:
Leg Press:
3*10 @(70,80,80)kg

3*10 @45kg

Leg Curl :
3*10 @(25,27.5,27.5)kg

Military press:
3*10 @ (22,22,22)kg

Wide grip pull down:
210@ (120,120)lbs Behind neck
10@ (120,110)lbs Infront of the neck

:smiley: I’m Fresh
One and then the two
Two and then the three
Three and then the four
Then you gotta BREATHE

Yo these people can’t breathe when I come through, Lane too
Some shoes, gotta be 7 man
It’s not even funny they can’t BREATHE

Look look, they hearts racin’
They start chasin’
But I’m so fast when I blow past
That they can’t BREATHE

Yao can’t share my air, or sprint a 100 in the spike i wear, and I’m getting better year by year… :cool:

I will put my pic to see how much I will develope! :smiley: