Adaptation question for Charlie

I think Clemson would know. I’m pretty sure he has Winter’s book

cool thanks charlie I’ll give clemson a buzz then on PM system.

Bud Winters has three books (one being “So you want to be a sprinter” first and second edition) and the other Relax and Win. Remember that relaxation is not a simple skill but something that only great coaches can cue…it’s not a blurt “relax the shoulders” at the track during speed endurance.

Cool, seems he knows a lot about relaxations and flyings :cool:

Well, i search for a long long time on the net but can´t match anything,
nonetheles, i found these 3 links below,

The “phrase” is what matters here…

This, sounds interesting…

Sounds more interesting yet…;jsessionid=2813768A9E7C37D0304D8178FF9B3A09.two?zip=brazil&query=no%3A7553122&sessionid=2813768A9E7C37D0304D8178FF9B3A09.two&recno=1
check post #6

So then aren’t those clawing exercises with straight feet in the warm-up just plain stupid!! :eek:

P.S. I was taught incorrectly at some point and I would run by extending my legs and actively trying to claw the ground which caused me to tear some hammy’s throughout the years!! :mad:

Yup. You got it!

Re: "1: Think about this. Can you force yourself to adapt to relaxation more quickly?
The incorporation of skills takes as long as it takes! The less you worry about it and the more you create an optimal environmet for learning it ( proper recovery and a good training plan), the less time it will take to adapt. Even after you adapt, you must constantly reinforce the learning, always concentrating on one thing at a time. "

I heard a few comments regarding relaxation this weekend after Mike Weir’s less than relaxed final few holes at the Canadian Open (golf), one of which was “it took 10 years before I finally felt the fear leave my body during my swing” (by a former professional golfer).
I know this is a different type of “relaxed” than day to day relaxation, but I thought the comment was interesting and probably not too far off the mark for many people in sports that need the magic balance between relaxation and performance at the same time. (Though I would assume most can’t wait around 10 years to finally get in the groove!)


Just smoke a joint and you’ll get all the relaxtion you need!! :rolleyes:

I believe there’s a correlation with being the best and relaxtion. I.E. Maurice Greene there’s a man who knows that if he runs his race he’s gonna win no matter what (Bruny was the victim in that case). Look at Desai Williams who also was victim of worrying about what other people were doing; conversely, Ben in Seoul ran his race and once you know your ahead of everybody it is much easier to relax.

In Athens Mo got back to where he was 4 years ago and this all after his motorcycle accident. He still ran the exact same time as he did in Sidney and this gave him a third place finish. Now I know what your going to say “But he still didn’t win!”. You absolutely right he didn’t but not because he did anything wrong but because that’s as fast as he was going to go that day, even if his reaction time was a half second faster to .100 he still would have came in third, possibly second unlike Asafa Powell who tried to indimidate Greene and instead was unable to run his race in the final. In fact, Asafa blew it! You could see him fighting to try and catch up. Dononvon is another perfect example in Atlanta he clipped everybody especially the top 3 in the last 3 metres! Now that is the perfect example of relaxtion just like Carl Lewis with both sprinters knowing that there going to catch up to the field towards the end if there behind and don’t panic!! :cool:

You’ll be relaxing in the stands as you’ll get turfed from the comp- ask the guy from Athens in the relay

From my viewing of the tape I couldn’t see Mo doing anthing wrong but his teammates sure fucked up pretty good.

That dude is the master! I used to not care for him due to what I thought was his extreme arrogance, but in Athens he was a definite true champion of the sport. I love watching him. Like a powerful machine.

In the 100 he has to be the GOAT. For all the haters tell me if he isn’t who the hell is.

What the heaven is GOAT ?


Disagree, Ben was the greatest of all time.

and i thought for a long time that GOAT was that animal that give us the cotton to clothes and etc…

Sheep give us wool.

GOAT gives us cotton. Hmmmm?

I’m gonna have to ask Mo about that!

I guess now we know you are not black.

You never heard that expression: “Black Sheep”…
Maybe you should read “Troy”.