A Throwers Training Journal


Long jump: 5.53m
High jump: 1.68m
Shot put: 12.62m
200m: 23.74s

The long jump was a disappointment. My jumps feel fine, but I think the speed is lacking. The board at the meet was not very stiff and would rattle if you hit it, but hardly an excuse for 5.5m.
High jump I should have cleared 5’8’’ and maybe more. My first jump was easy and probably my best, and then my mechanics were off for the jumps at 5’8’’. Good height, but stayed over the bar too long.
Shot put went well, a PR and finally broke 40ft in a meet.
200m my legs were shot, but still ran a PR. I had a great start, but the lane next to me false started due to bad blocks. My second start was not nearly as clean but managed to gain some ground near the end of the race.

Overall it was an okay meet, hoped for greater improvements in the jumps, but can’t expect it all the time. Really wanted to throw the javelin and can’t wait to do it next week. Will have some really good competition and shooting for 65m!