I think its been mentioned numerous times in other threads but one always needs to be cautious regarding hand times. Hand times are for your own comparison. It allows your coach or you as your coach to compare your athlete against other athletes in the squad or against themselves to gauge improvements. It doesn’t matter if one gets a 3.4 or a 3.9 or a 4.5 as its relative to their timing set up. Its important to remember that 30 times mentioned across squads can be timed in different ways…first step, first movement, walk in, standing, crouch, 3-point, off a gun etc etc all with different timers. there are enough variables there to result in numerous 30m times for the same person let alone making comparison to other peoples numbers. The 30m tells you how your 30m is going…in looking at speed tables it provides some insight into what one could run assuming other factors are in play such as MV and speed end. It also provides you with insight into rough times one needs to run to produce world class performances. It doesn’t however cater for outliers which exist in every sport. If you have an athlete who is recording 3.9 on your time for 30m hand timed and they are running 10.30s electric then that gives you info and any subsequent movement in this time may impact on the overall race time. Finally always remember that some of the best can find improvements in time from training when they step up because there training is focused on good acceleration mechanics under control and thus they may reserve that 1% for race day…