some starts
easy circuitx3:
-medball twist throws
-crunch w/ twist
-hanging curl up
some reps of db:
-biceps curls
-shoulder press
-side shoulder raise
-rear delt fly
-was planning on lifting heavy full body, but legs felt so burnt after the starts that I decided just to do some upper body “beach” work
-cued my foot motion directly and thought of making my motion right from the beginning moving directly forward, and I stayed down much longer, looked more powerfully and faster and had low heel recovery. I think the only thing to fix is that because of my extreme bow-leggedness, on my first stride my foot will often cross the midline and will land on the wrong side of my body. this, in turn, locks up my hips a bit. I think things will look really excellent once I fix this first stride and get the motion automatic so I don’t even need to really cue my foot but can just run
-my legs being burnt I think was a result of being lower longer, so I had to use my leg muscles much more, and running faster than usual
-will be taking next few days off for vacation/transition to my college team’s program which starts with july. if I return from vacation and the workouts are still not out, then I probably will just continue to do some mechanical work and hit the lifts that aren’t really included in my team’s programs
-giving up the jav unless someone drops from baystates and I manage to qualify. I can’t get the jav not to curve if I throw it hard, and I don’t have enough time to fix this without hampering my sprint training, so i’d just be risking not being good enough at either to be on my college team