2010 Baseball Season

as for the first three steps thing, i think stealing bases will be much easier for me this year in my hs league because in track, my avergae race improved by .2 and my strength changed from top speed to my start. i contribute this to probably increasing my squat 100 lbs and powercleaning for the first time this fall

o yeah, and what was your first move from ur “jump” position? i hear a diff opinion on this for everyone. i feel like a drop step with ur right foot is necessary because otherwise ur front leg will be turned inwards, but many coaches say first step with the left. can this even be done?


30 min BP Session
light tossing


4 min erg (2:25 ave 500m)
push ups and a few bb bench reps at 135 lbs and 150 lbs (bench press warm up)
Pull Ups 5x10,10,8,8,8
Barbell Shrug (deadlift grip) 3x5@165 lbs (in front),2x5@135 lbs (in back)(sets alt. between in front and in back)
Cable Rows 5x8,6,4,4,4@140 lbs
Barbell Bench Press 5x6,5,4,3,3@160 lbs
500 reps core
(all lifts above were super-setted with the core reps in between super sets)
DB Shoulder Press 3x8,6@35 lbs,6@40 lbs
2x2 min jog (done in between sets of shoulder press)
(school’s gym)


4 min ellyptical
light warm up set of all exercises
DB Pec Flyes 3x10@25 lbs,6,6@30 lbs
DB Side Shoulder Raise 3x10@20 lbs,6,6@25 lbs
DB Cuban Rotations 3x10,8,8@15 lbs
DB Overhead Tricep Ext. 3x10@35 lbs,6,6@40 lbs
2xDB Curl 21s@25 lbs,20 lbs
100 reps core
10x10 sec ab vacuums
3xcardio exercises getting heart rate to 130,then 160 bpm
2 min cool down on bike
(local apratments gym)
ice quad (bruise)


4 min erg warm up
1000 reps core
ice quad


4 min erg warm up
A. 80 various med ball throws
B. BB Incline Bench Press 5x8,6,4,4,4 (115,125,130,130,135 lbs)
B. T-Rows 5x5 (155,167.5,167.5,167.5,167.5)
B. Lat Pull Downs (wide grip) 5x8,6,4,4,4 (130,130,130,130,140 lbs)
B. DB Shrugs 5x10,8,6,6,4 (75 lbs)
C. 100 reps core
D. High Cable Crossovers 3x10,6,6 (50,60,60 lbs)
D. Bentover Raise 3x10,8,8 (12,15,20 lbs)
D. BB Bicep Curls 3x8,6,6 (60 lbs)
D. Tricep Ext. 3x10,6,6 (110,120,130 lbs)
E. 100 reps core
F. 4 min ellyptical

-hot tub and light upper body massage at night


ice quad bruise


weigh in -> 136 lbs

20 baseball swings
static stretching
ice quad bruise

-will start lower lifts again this week, ill do a light day on tuesday, then ill be full steam with lower weights by end of week
-ill start sprinting again end of week and be going full steam by next week as far as running


light warm up
30 min BP session
light throwing

-lower back felt tight/fatigued while swinging, probably means im tensing up my midsection too much while swinging, gotta relax more


A. Pick-up volleyball as a warm up
B. 100 med ball throws (core)
C. PC 5x1@160
C. BP 5x5@160
C. Chin Ups 5x15,12,12,10,10
D. BS 5x3@225
D. High Cable Rows 5x8,6,4,4,4@130,110,110,110,110
D. 5x40 reps core
E. RDL 5x5@135
E. BB Behind Shrugs 5x5@135
E. 5x40 reps core
(school’s weight room)

-squat form has gone downhill, but was getting better by the fifth set
-sometimes i cant get my body to go full effort on cleans, maybe i just need to increase rest between sets. i failed at 160 on my second rep, but then mentally psyched up and did fine for the next 4…
-will do a light tempo session tomoro for the first time in a couple weeks, will give the legs a rest weight wise for a couple days
-probably couldve done 6 or 7 reps at 160 on the bench, thats pretty good for me, maybe my max is close to what is was this fall already


A. 4 min erg warm up
B. 100 med ball throws
C. 5x~150m@20 sec (1 min rest)
D. 100 reps core
E. DB Front Raise 3x10,6,6@25,30,30
E. Skull Crusher 3x10,6,10@65,75,65
E. 3x50 reps core
F. DB Hammer Curls 3x10,6,6@30,35,35
F. DB Rear Lateral Riase 3x10,8,8@15
F. 3x50 reps core
G. Easy Batting Drills
(school’s weight room)

-first time “sprinting” in a while, not sure excatly on the distance i ran, but it was 20 sec worth (i ran two staright aways and a curve in the far outside of the outside lane on a 150m track)
-im sore all over from yesterday, humph, i thought i got over the soreness stage during the winter so i mustve regressed since then a little :confused:
-first two sets of skull crushers were with poor form, but i really felt it on the last one when a coach corrected my form


School Pacer Test

4 min warm up jog
180 med ball throws
6 min abs circuit
4x100 reps core
20 swings

rolling sore muscles
static stretching

-i was planning on doing 5 sets of 100 core reps, but then found out that my school is still fitness testing in gym class tomoro, and part of the test includes 47 crunches
-6 min abs circuit is as follows:
1 min flutter kicks (first 30 sec with hands under butt)
1 min 30 sec V crunches (30 sec on each side and back)
30 sec front plank
60 sec jackknives
60 sec russian twists (no med ball, 30 sec just back and forth, 30 sec crunching inwards at top)
1 min superman holds
-school pacer tests was part of fitness testing and was 100 reps of increasing running speed across the basketball court the short way, not too bad but did make me begin to sweat


School Fitness Testing

4 min warm up jog
5x1 Build Ups (4 min rest)
50 med ball throws
A. PC 5x3@165,165,175,175,185
A. DB Fly 3x10,6,6@30,35,35
A. Cable Standing Fly 2x10,8@50,60
B. Squat 5x7,5,3,3,3@225,235,245,255,255
B. Cable Pulldown (wide grip) 5x8,6,4,4,4@130,130,130,140,140
B. DB Shrug 5x8,6,4,4,4@65,70,70,75,75
C. RDL 5x5@155,155,145,145,145
C. Straight Back Cable High Rows 5x8,8,8,6,6@90,100,100,110,110
D. 100 reps core
(school’s gym)

-school fitness testing included trunk lift measurement, a hamstring stretch, 50 slow crunches and 25 slow push ups
-did build ups in long pants and trainers. since in baseball i will be sprinting in pants and cleats, im gonna try and make the running as similar as possible
-i dropped weight in the RDL after the second set because i felt my back starting to compensate


4 min elliptical warm up
A. Front Lateral Raise 3x10,8,8@15,18,21
A. DB Shoulder Press 3x10,6,6@40
A. Cable Sitting Leg Ext. 3x10,8,6@110,110,120
A. Cable Standing Single Leg Curl 3x10,8,6@60,60,70 each
B. DB Bicep Curl 3x5@40
B. DB Standing Triceps Ext. 2x10,8@40,45
B. DB Ankle Dorsi Flex. 3x12,10,10@60
B. DB Standing Single Calf Raise 3x10,8,6@80
C. 2xBB curl 21s@45
D. 500 reps core
D. Resistance Band Forward Triceps Ext. 1x10

100,100,100 (30 sec rest), 1 min rest
100,200,100 (30 sec rest), 1 min rest
100,100,100 (30 sec rest) -> all@70% from stealing position

-i meant to do x-band today, ill just do it tomoro bc its not too tolling
-i meant to do 3 sets of tri ext., but forgot, so i did the last set with a resistance band, much easier tho :confused:
-lately ive noticed that because of all the supersetting i do, ive taken more like 4 min rest between the same exercise


weigh in -> 136 lbs

4 min elliptical warm up
light dry swings
static stretching

-i was surprised that im still weighing 136 because i feel like my strength levels have definitely increased and that i look noticeably more muscular than i did two weeks ago, maybe im not eating enough… (though i try to eat every class period i have been eating less at sit down meals than i used to, plus i switched in veggies and fruit for my usual carb, fat and sugar snacks)


4 min jog
stretch checks
3 build ups (60% effort,70,80)
4x4x25m (30 sec between reps, 5-10 min between sets)

A. High Pulls 5x5@165 lbs,155,155,155,155
A. Bench 5x8,6,4,4,4@155
A. Lat Pull Downs (Wide grip) 5x 8,6,4,4,4@130
B. Front Squats 5x8,6,4,4,4@185
B. BB Behind Shrugs 5x10,8,6,6,6@135
B. High Straight Back Cable Rows 5x10,8,6,6,6@100,110,110,120,120
C. RDL 5x10,8,6,6,6@115
(school’s weightroom)

2 min elliptical
30 min BP session


4 min jog
stretch checks
400m,300,200,100,100,200,300,400 on grass (run@80 sec,60,38,20) (100m walk rest)
6 min abs
10 stomach vacuums


4 min erg
500 reps core
static stretching

-high pull weight went down because my form was iffy at 165
-front squats are tough! my wrist hurt really bad at first, but by the end i felt a bit more comfortable
-the running on 3/8 was meant to simulate the max baserunning i could do in any one baseball game


4 min elliptical warm up
4x4x15m sled runs (walk back rest between reps, full recovery between sets)
100 med ball throws
Decline Bench 1x3@165
DB Flys 2x10,6@25,30
DB Incline Bench 2x10,6@40,45
Cable Pulls from overhead to sides 5x10,8,8,6,6@15,20,20,20,25
DB Shrugs 5x8,6,4,4,10@70,75,80,85,70
Cable Rows 5x8,6,4,4,4@90,90,90,100,100
reverse hypers 5x8,6,4,4,4@50,50,50,60,60
6 min abs
(local gym)

-im not sure what to call tha one exercise so i just described it. its like when gymnast pull themselves up on the rings cept i pull cable down…
-my quads and hammys were still sore so i did only reverse hypers on the legs because i usually feel them mostly in the glutes and lower back


4 min erg warm up
dry swings
A. DB Side Shoulder Raise 3x10,8,8@20,25,25
A. Hammy Curl Machine 3x10,8,6@90,90,105
A. Quad Ext Machine 3x10,8,6@105,105,120
B. DB Cuban Rotation 3x12,10,10@10,15,15
B. Wrist Roller 3x3@5,5,7.5
B. DB Ledge Calf Raise 3x10,8,6@70,70,75
C. BB Bicep Curl 3x10,8,8@60,60,60
C. Skull Crusher 3x10,8,8@60,50,60
C. DB Ankle Dorsi Flexion 3x12,10,10@45,50,50
D. 500 reps core
(school’s weightroom)
5x200m@35-40, 100m walk rest

-after my first set of skull crushers i felt elbow pain, so i lightened the second load and voila! it was gone so i upped it again for the last set
-today i used three min rest
-i decided to do my tempo after lifting and core because while id still put speed as my top priority in baseball (next to specific mechanics of course), id say general fitness is one of the least important aspects of baseball
-i talked to my coach today and the season starts monday with tryouts from mon-fri, we have games mon,wed,fri and a team 3 mi run every sun. i plan to lift after games and run the 3 mi run veeery slowly so i can use it as a warm up for speed work after. im not planning on getting any faster during the season, but i hope to maintain. i wont do any speed work the day before a game, but if the schedule works out right i mite try to fit a couple running workouts before games. on tues and thurs the coach has us do rotator cuff and forearm workouts, but that shouldnt really interfere with my plans. on saturdays ill do a heavy core day and maybe some other lifts


4 min erg warm up
dry swings
A. DB Side Shoulder Raise 3x10,8,8@20,25,25
A. Hammy Curl Machine 3x10,8,6@90,90,105
A. Quad Ext Machine 3x10,8,6@105,105,120
B. DB Cuban Rotation 3x12,10,10@10,15,15
B. Wrist Roller 3x3@5,5,7.5
B. DB Ledge Calf Raise 3x10,8,6@70,70,75
C. BB Bicep Curl 3x10,8,8@60,60,60
C. Skull Crusher 3x10,8,8@60,50,60
C. DB Ankle Dorsi Flexion 3x12,10,10@45,50,50
D. 500 reps core
(school’s weightroom)
5x200m@35-40, 100m walk rest

-after my first set of skull crushers i felt elbow pain, so i lightened the second load and voila! it was gone so i upped it again for the last set
-today i used three min rest
-i decided to do my tempo after lifting and core because while id still put speed as my top priority in baseball (next to specific mechanics of course), id say general fitness is one of the least important aspects of baseball
-i talked to my coach today and the season starts monday with tryouts this coming mon-fri, we have games most mon,wed,fri and a team 3 mi run every sun. i plan to lift after games and run the 3 mi run veeery slowly so i can use it as a warm up for wind sprints after. im not planning on getting any faster during the season, but i hope to maintain what ive built during track, esp the start because baseball is mostly no longer than 30m sprints. i wont do any speed work the day before a game, but if the schedule works out right i mite try to fit a couple running workouts before practices. on tues and thurs the coach has us do rotator cuff and forearm workouts, but that shouldnt really interfere with my plans. on saturdays ill do a heavy core day and maybe some other lifts


weigh in -> 137
static stretching

-tryouts start tomoro and are pretty physically demanding on the legs because my coach is one of those football-basketball guys that loves suicides. while i can see the benfits for the less fit kids on the team (we have a couple kids in the program 250+) its kinda limited for me :confused: ill still run my heart out though because of course i want to look good
-because the suicides really trash my legs and tryouts make my schedule kinda sporatic, here’s my plan for the week:
mon - depletion push ups and 6 min abs after tryouts
Tues - heavy core day before tryouts
wed - depletion chin ups and 6 min abs after
thurs - upper weights and some core work before
fri - “Big 20” and stomach vacuums after
sat - static stretching after
(big 20 is 20 push ups, 20 crunches, 19 push ups, 19 sit ups… u get the point)